Agenda and minutes

Performance Scrutiny Committee - People - Tuesday, 16th January, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Hybrid Meeting

Contact: Samantha Schanzer  Scrutiny Adviser

No. Item




Councillor Drewett and Councillor Townsend


Declarations of Interest




Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 102 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 12th December 2023 were agreed as a true and accurate record.



2024-25 Budget and Medium Term Financial Projections pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Additional documents:



-       Meirion Rushworth – Head of Finance

-       Robert Green – Assistant Head of Finance

-       Sally Ann Jenkins – Strategic Director – Social Services

-       Mary Ryan – Head of Adult Services

-       Natalie Poyner – Head of Children Services

-       Caroline Ryan-Phillips – Head of Prevention and Inclusion

-       Mandy Shide – Service Manager

-       Rhianydd Williams – Service Manager Integrated Family Support

-       Sarah Morgan – Chief Education Officer

-       Sarah Davies – Deputy Chief Education Officer


The Assistant Head of Finance introduced a brief overview of the budget process.

New Pressures and Investments

The following was discussed:

  • The Committee enquired about the SEN Out of County and Local Provision pupil demand and noted the increase of 4 places in both Sporting Chance and Catch 22 and asked for more information about this. The Chief Education Officer (CEO) informed Committee that Budget demand for Education is now being met by the Council and this looks at the need to support children that might have to go out of county due to complex needs. The CEO assured the Committee that work is being undertaken to establish local provision where possible and the contracts with current providers will be maintained as they provide around 30 places, but this will provide an additional 4 places if required. The CEO informed Committee that if they aren’t used, it would be considered an underspend in the Budget, but the places are needed, and they are positive will be utilised. There is consistent monitoring taking place around who need places and what is available to us and when contracting additional places Quality Assurance checks are carried out to ensure pupils welfare and that the ratios of teacher to student are correct.


  • The Committee enquired about the ALN Provision for schools and noted that last year funding was to be confirmed and we were unable to meeting ALN requirements and would like reassurance that this investment will meet requirements. The CEO informed the Committee that there has always been cost pressures around ALN pupils and this has been identified more than ever before. The CEO informed the Committee that due to more complexities with children and people, this investment amount doesn’t mean it will necessarily meet all needs however schools have responsibility with wholistic budget to provide for all children, so this investment is in addition to an individual school budget. The CEO informed the Committee that they know the demand on schools, and this won’t necessarily provide everything, but it is one additional step to support those recognised challenges. The Committee stated that it is a good thing that there is this additional investment to support ALN students.


Domiciliary care support to be enhanced with assistive technology to reduce the levels of care hours required.


  • The Committee enquired how assistive technology will be used to help reduce the levels of care. The Head of Adult Services informed Committee that they have already started to implement this and there is a smart HUB  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Conclusions of Committee Reports

Following the completion of the Committee reports, the Committee will be asked to formalise its conclusions, recommendations and comments on previous items for actioning.


Comments to the Cabinet on the following proposals:


a)    The Committee noted the budget proposals relevant to the People Directorate and agreed to forward the minutes to the Cabinet as a summary of the issues raised.


b)    The Committee wished to make the following comments to the Cabinet on the Proposals within the People Directorate:


New Pressures and Investments

  • The Committee highlighted that the ALN investment is good for students with complex needs and the Committee are glad that it is now reflected in the Budget.

Domiciliary care support to be enhanced with assistive technology to reduce the levels of care hours required.

  • The Committee wanted to ensure that where domiciliary care is being replaced by assistive care that there is sufficient family support in place.
  • The Committee wanted to ensure that the delivery of services of important and must not be impacted and highlighted the importance of the continuation of service delivery quality.
  • The Committee noted that they are content for proposals to go ahead as they are.



Scrutiny Adviser Reports pdf icon PDF 141 KB

a)      Actions Arising (Appendix 1)

b)      Forward Work Programme Update (Appendix 2)



Additional documents:


a)    Actions Arising

The Scrutiny Advisor provided an update to the Committee on the outstanding actions and the figure for the 1.2% of Education employees has been circulated to the Committee.

b)    Forward Work Programme

The Scrutiny Advisor informed the Committee that the next Committee meeting date is the 20th February for the Regulated Service Reports and then the final meeting for this year is on the 26th March for the Recruitment and Retention Reports and an additional item of Key Stage 4 Outcomes.



Meeting Recording
