Agenda item

2024-25 Budget and Medium Term Financial Projections



-       Meirion Rushworth – Head of Finance

-       Robert Green – Assistant Head of Finance

-       Sally Ann Jenkins – Strategic Director – Social Services

-       Mary Ryan – Head of Adult Services

-       Natalie Poyner – Head of Children Services

-       Caroline Ryan-Phillips – Head of Prevention and Inclusion

-       Mandy Shide – Service Manager

-       Rhianydd Williams – Service Manager Integrated Family Support

-       Sarah Morgan – Chief Education Officer

-       Sarah Davies – Deputy Chief Education Officer


The Assistant Head of Finance introduced a brief overview of the budget process.

New Pressures and Investments

The following was discussed:

  • The Committee enquired about the SEN Out of County and Local Provision pupil demand and noted the increase of 4 places in both Sporting Chance and Catch 22 and asked for more information about this. The Chief Education Officer (CEO) informed Committee that Budget demand for Education is now being met by the Council and this looks at the need to support children that might have to go out of county due to complex needs. The CEO assured the Committee that work is being undertaken to establish local provision where possible and the contracts with current providers will be maintained as they provide around 30 places, but this will provide an additional 4 places if required. The CEO informed Committee that if they aren’t used, it would be considered an underspend in the Budget, but the places are needed, and they are positive will be utilised. There is consistent monitoring taking place around who need places and what is available to us and when contracting additional places Quality Assurance checks are carried out to ensure pupils welfare and that the ratios of teacher to student are correct.


  • The Committee enquired about the ALN Provision for schools and noted that last year funding was to be confirmed and we were unable to meeting ALN requirements and would like reassurance that this investment will meet requirements. The CEO informed the Committee that there has always been cost pressures around ALN pupils and this has been identified more than ever before. The CEO informed the Committee that due to more complexities with children and people, this investment amount doesn’t mean it will necessarily meet all needs however schools have responsibility with wholistic budget to provide for all children, so this investment is in addition to an individual school budget. The CEO informed the Committee that they know the demand on schools, and this won’t necessarily provide everything, but it is one additional step to support those recognised challenges. The Committee stated that it is a good thing that there is this additional investment to support ALN students.


Domiciliary care support to be enhanced with assistive technology to reduce the levels of care hours required.


  • The Committee enquired how assistive technology will be used to help reduce the levels of care. The Head of Adult Services informed Committee that they have already started to implement this and there is a smart HUB exhibition in Newport Market which demonstrates how this can be used for things like automatic curtains, and communication with family. They informed Committee that feedback from the public has been positive, but they are ensuring that it is tailored to meet individual needs.
  • The Committee enquired that if domiciliary care is looking to be replaced in part by assistive technology that there is an assumption of family support to carry out these checks in place of the domiciliary care. The Head of Adult Services informed the Committee that during the Pandemic there were more family support which is not the case now but for unpaid carers this assistive technology has been a lifeline. They assured Committee that it will never replace the need for domiciliary care but is an addition to it.


Fees and Charges


  • The Committee enquired who pays fees and charges to the Council. The Assistant Head of Finance informed the Committee that the headings highlighted in green on the report show who pays these fees and charges, the first set is other Local Authorities and the second is Newport Residents. The charges are the same amounts, but they differentiate between who is paying. The Head of Adult Services informed the Committee that if there is a vacancy that a neighbouring authority wishes to use, they get charged at the same rate as Newport residents as it is means tested.
  • The Committee queried the percentage increase of Appointeeship by 102% and wanted to know why it is such a large increase. The Assistant Head of Finance informed the Committee that this is now reflective following a thorough review and recosting exercise of the service area that has taken place and in cash terms it is not as significant an increase as other services even though the percentage is high. The Head of Adult Services informed the Committee that anyone who requires the Appointee services is subject to a full financial assessment of their circumstances.


The Chair thanked the Officers for attending.



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