Issue - decisions

Certificate of Compliance

22/12/2016 - Certificate of Compliance

CAB 68/16


Certificate of Compliance


Options Considered/Reasons for Decision


The Leader of the Council informed the Cabinet that the Wales Audit Office. (WAO) carries out two reviews of the Improvement plan each year the first is to assess whether the Improvement Plan complies with legislation the second is to assess whether the year-end review of the previous improvement plan complies with legislation and that we have met our obligation to demonstrate continuous improvement.

The Leader stated that the first certificate was achieved and presented to Cabinet in June. The Leader informed Members that this was the second certificate of compliance which also includes a letter recommending that national comparative data is used more in the assessment of performance. National data has already been entered into the new performance management system and has been considered when assessing progress towards the Improvement plan objectives in quarter 2.



To welcome the positive outcome of the second Certificate of Compliance in relation to the council’s Improvement Plan Annual Review 2015-16




Monitoring Officer; Head of Finance; Head of People & Business Change


Implemented By:  Head of People and Business Change

Implementation Timetable: Immediate and ongoing