The Leader presented the report on the development of the Council’s Corporate Plan 2022-27.
The Well-being of Future Generations Act required Newport Council to publish a Corporate Plan which set out how the Council would carry out sustainable development to improve Wales’ economic, social, environment and cultural well-being and its seven Well-being Goals.
The previous Corporate Plan 2017-22 set out the Council’s commitment to build on success and build a better Newport. The last two and half years of this Plan’s delivery had taken place against the backdrop of two major global events, the Covid pandemic and more recently the cost of living crisis.
Despite these challenges, Newport Council, and its partners continued to deliver change and deliver service improvements. Further details would be presented to this Cabinet next month as part of the Council’s annual report.
Over the next five to 20 years, Newport was expected to see significant change and we must consider the opportunities that would improve the well-being of the city, provide economic growth and support cohesive and safe communities.
There would also be many challenges and changes that Newport would have to prepare for and adapt to such as climate change, sustainability of services, technological change and the ongoing need to provide necessary services for our most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.
In the development of this Plan, Newport Council considered priorities at National (Welsh Government), Regional (Cardiff Capital Region) and local levels (our Cabinet Manifesto Aims).
Over the next five years Newport Council’s four Well-being Objectives would focus on the following:
1. Newport is a thriving and growing city that offers excellent education and aspires to provide opportunities for all.
2. A city that seeks to protect and enhance our environment whilst reducing our carbon footprint and preparing for a sustainable and digital future.
3. Newport is a supportive city where communities and care are at the heart of what we do.
4. Newport City Council is an inclusive organisation that places social value, fairness and sustainability at its core.
In September the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee scrutinised these draft Well-being Objectives.
This Cabinet welcomed the positive feedback from the Committee on the objectives and would consider their recommendations before the final version of the Plan was presented at Cabinet and Council in November.
Residents were also asked their views on the Corporate Plan Well-being Objectives and their importance in the delivery of services. The results have shown over 70% of residents considered the four objectives to be either very important or important to Newport.
A final version of the Corporate Plan would be presented to Cabinet and Council in November before being published in Welsh and English to residents.
Comments of Cabinet Members:
§ Councillor Lacey considered that this was a progressive and well thought out document and wanted to assure residents that this was not just a tick box exercise. These were the objectives that the Council lived by. The Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Assets who was also the LGBTQ+ Champion referred to wellbeing objective number three, where Newport was a supportive city and community and care was at its heart. This was evident over the past two years. In the last year there was the Afghan resettlement scheme, as well opening the doors to Ukrainian refugees. Councillor Lacey was also personally involved in the recent Pride in the ‘Port event which was a huge success and therefore supported the document.
§ Councillor Batrouni thanked the Leader for the co productive plan with the Cabinet meeting regularly to have honest and frank discussion. The Council was meeting the four objectives which were outlined in the report and was aware the challenges that Newport residents faced. There was a Strategic Equality group meeting earlier that day where the officer engagement was amazing and this was emphasized by the Connected Communities Manager who gave a detailed brief to the group.
§ Councillor Clarke added that this was a fair inclusive and listening Council as mentioned within the report and was therefore fully behind this report and fully supported it.
§ Councillor Harvey agreed with colleagues and felt that Newport’s values was the most important point within the report. Everyone that worked for Newport City Council put their citizens first, highlighting the invaluable work carried out over the past two years. The Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing praised all Council staff add that everyone did their bit no matter how small. Councillor Harvey also thanked the former Deputy Leader, Roger Jeavons and The Leader, Councillor Jane Mudd for their work during lockdown.
Cabinet agreed to the key principles of the draft Corporate Plan and its ongoing development in preparation for consideration by Cabinet and Council in November.
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