Agenda item

Post EU Transition and Key Issues


The Leader presented the report to Cabinet providing a summary of the work the Council undertook alongside its partners and communities to respond and recover from the Covid Pandemic, the external impacts on the economy and the post EU Transition position of our communities.


Over the last few months, Covid transmission rates remained low across communities.  In the last couple of weeks, however, Covid cases started to increase again due to two new variants.


Settings such as hospitals were taking action to prevent transmission and protect vulnerable people through reintroducing face masks and other necessary measures.  It was important for residents to remain vigilant and if they were experiencing Covid symptoms to take necessary action to self-isolate and to take a Covid test.  Additionally, those eligible or have not taken up their vaccination were being encouraged to do so. 


The Council was continuing to operate a hybrid approach for Members and staff to work from home and not to visit the Council if they suspect that they had Covid symptoms or tested positive for Covid. 


This was the last time reporting the Council’s activities against the Strategic Recovery Aims which this Cabinet committed to back in July 2020.


Regular reports would continue to be presented to Cabinet on the ongoing delivery of the Council’s work and response to the external impacts on our communities and businesses.


The Council had experienced an unprecedented time, but Councillors, officers, schools, volunteers and communities demonstrated how we collaborated to support our most vulnerable residents, enable our businesses to continue to operate and provide new opportunities for people to improve their lives.


Areas of Delivery included:

  • EdTech programme which supported schools, pupils, and families with over 9,000 devices disseminated to enable home schooling and support for the administration of Free School Meals to vulnerable children.
  • Supporting the NHS with the roll out of the vaccine programme and delivering the Test, Trace and Protect system.
  • Supporting over 1,000 office-based staff with ICT equipment and office furniture to enable home / remote working.
  • Supporting front-line workers across Social Services, City Services, and other departments to continue delivery of vital services and support for our most vulnerable Newport residents.
  • Financial support to hundreds of businesses across Newport.
  • Enabling community groups through Participatory Budgeting to access funding to support their communities in Newport.


Cabinet was continuing to deliver and support key projects and initiatives across our Wards and communities in Newport.

Emerging out of the Pandemic, there continued to be ongoing economic and global impacts affecting the economy, including the cost of living for businesses and households.  Many businesses and households were facing unprecedented inflationary rises in the cost of food, fuel, energy and general living.  It was going to continue to be a very challenging time over the next 12 months.


Newport Council was supporting the Welsh Government’s initiatives in the administration of Council Tax Relief, Business Rate Relief and the distribution of voucher schemes and grants.

Newport Council was also working with GAVO to support Community Food Organisations with opportunities to obtain capital grant funding to support their initiatives. 

Newport was and would always be, a city that welcomed people of all nationalities, faiths, and beliefs.  Having a diverse and cohesive city was important in the continuing development and growth of our communities, economy and prosperity.

Newport was continuing to welcome Ukrainian families into the city, who were displaced by the conflict in their country, supporting them to find safe, secure accommodation to rebuild their lives. 

Council services were once again going above and beyond to work together to ensure families were well supported and we have seen 100 approved visa applications issued to date.

Comments of Cabinet Members:


§  Councillor Harvey thanked all council staff, all 800 services that kept the council and Newport running. The Cabinet Member also wanted to thank teachers who were dealing with mental health crisis of young people.  Everyone that worked for Newport City Council therefore deserved thanks from Cabinet.


§  The Deputy Leader supported Councillor Harvey’s comments in relation to Newport schools and outlined the support which came from the Community hubs, family cohesion and funding for teachers for ELSA training.  Food poverty and clothing had also been provided, which signified how important schools were for the community.  In addition, the extended availability of Free School Meals for children from WG. It was also great to see breakfast clubs back in play.



Cabinet considered and noted the contents of the report and would receive updates from officers as part of their portfolio.


Supporting documents: