Agenda item

Corporate Risk Register - Quarter 3


The Leader presented the report to colleagues on the update of the Council’s Corporate Risk Register for the end of Quarter Three, 1 October 2021 to 31 December 2021.

Cabinet members were asked to consider the contents of this report and continue the monitoring of these risks and the actions being taken to address the risks identified in the report.

The Council’s Risk Management Policy and Corporate Risk Register enabled this administration and officers to effectively identify, manage and monitor those risks which could prevent the Council from achieving its objectives in the Corporate Plan (2017-22) and undertake its statutory duties as a local authority.

The Quarter three risk report would also be presented to the Council’s Governance and Audit Committee at the end of March (2022) to review the Council’s risk management process and governance arrangements.


At the end of quarter three the Council had 44 risks recorded across the Council’s eight service areas.


Those risks that were deemed to pose the most significant risk in the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan and services were escalated to the Council’s Corporate Risk Register for monitoring. 

At the end of quarter two, 18 risks were recorded in the Corporate Risk Register:

·        Ten Severe Risks (15 to 25);

·        Five Major Risks (7 to 14);

·        Two Moderate Risks (4 to 6); and

·        One Low Risk (1 to 3).

In comparison to quarter two, 16 risks had remained at the same risk score with two risk scores decreasing:

§  Ash Dieback Disease – Since the Council commenced its programme of work to remove diseased trees the risk score has reduced from 20 to 16.  The delivery of this work was being assessed every quarter and replacement trees are planted in Newport.

§  Balancing the Council’s medium-term budget – The Council received its 2022/23 funding settlement figure from Welsh Government as well as indicative funding allocations for the following two years.  The 22/23 settlement figure was more positive than anticipated and the Council’s budget for 22/23 has been approved.  The overall medium term financial plan was broadly balanced but additional pressures could emerge and result in a budget gap.


Comments from Cabinet Members:


§  Councillor Davies referred to the two red risk markers against education services.  This was in relation to the demand for ALN and SEN support in schools, this had been an ongoing concern in the last financial year, with the legislative changes brought about by the WG.  The other key risk was financial services, however with the £8.1M investment the Cabinet Member was confident that we could deliver an improved service. 


§  Councillor Jeavons was pleased that the Ash Die Back score had reduced from 20 to 13 and thanked City Services and the specialist partners who were undertaking the removal of these trees.


§  Councillor Cockeram referred to social services and the staffing issue across Wales and the UK.  The Regional Partnership Board would write to the minister regarding problems with staff payment as Councils could not compete with the Health Care sector.


The Leader thanked staff for their hard work in Newport City Council Care homes and outstanding contribution and resilience.



Cabinet considered the contents of the quarter two update of the Corporate Risk Register.


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