The Leader informed colleagues that, as set out in the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014, local authorities and local Health Boards must enter into a partnership to carry out a joint assessment of people who were in need of care and support and to identify the range and levels of social care services required to meet those needs, producing one population assessment report per local government electoral cycle.
This joint regional population needs assessment was overseen by the Gwent Regional Partnership Board and was undertaken in accordance with Welsh Government guidance and in consultation with all partners and key stakeholders.
The Regional Partnership Board was seeking approval from Newport City Council prior to submission to Welsh Government.
Once agreed by each of the partners, it would form the basis of the joint regional action plan, to meet the assessed social care needs through partnership working and collaboration.
The social care assessment process was aligned to the regional well-being assessment undertaken by the Gwent PSB and was consistent with the Council’s corporate plan objectives.
Partners across the PSB and RPB would work together to ensure that the priorities identified by the PNA and those identified as part of the Wellbeing Plan were aligned and provided the best opportunities for joint working.
The statutory PNA themes, as
set out by Welsh Government were:
§ children and young people
§ older people
§ health / physical disabilities
§ learning disability/autism
§ mental health
§ sensory impairment
§ carers who need support; and
§ violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence
Within Gwent, the current PNA
identified and reinforced existing areas of need and priorities for
action including:
Continued support for looked after children and
reduction of out of county placements
Ageing population, loneliness amongst older people
and increase in people living with dementia
Carers and the need for access to information,
respite and mental health support
The need for emotional wellbeing and mental health
support across the region
To mitigate impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and long
§ Support to vulnerable groups including people living with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and autism
Engagement with citizens was a key requirement under the Social Services and Well Being Act and the PNA developed and included qualitative data from a range of citizen groups.
The Regional Partnership Board would develop a regional Area Plan for publication on 1st April 2023 setting out how the identified need would be met through partnership working and collaboration. The Leader moved the acceptance of the PNA, which was duly seconded.
Comments from Councillors:
§ Councillor Cockeram thanked the Regional Partnership Board as well as the Health Board, LA, third sector and PSB. Councillor Cockeram recommended that councillors read the report as it helped councillors prioritise their needs. Councillor Cockeram went on to read out some interesting facts in relation to the population of Newport which the council needed to give consideration to in due course.
The motion was put to the vote and duly carried.
That the regional Population Assessment Needs (PNA) be accepted and approved.
Supporting documents: