Agenda item

Post EU Transition Update


The Leader presented the report the above report to Colleagues.  Since the last Cabinet Report in February, global uncertainty continued to impact on people’s lives in Newport and Wales.

On 1 March, Newport Council presented and passed a motion in relation to the current situation in Ukraine and was united across all parties in its response to the dreadful attack on Ukraine and its people.  This was a heart-breaking situation for the Ukrainian people, many of whom were having to leave their homes to find refuge. 

It was also concerning for Ukrainian citizens living and working in Newport and across Wales, for their loved ones and their country.

Newport had a long and proud tradition of giving sanctuary to refugees and would do what it could to help those impacted by this unwarranted invasion.

Also for European and global citizens living in Newport it was important to stress that they were also valued residents that could live, work and contribute towards making Newport a multi-cultural place to live.

The Ukrainian conflict was just one of several global situations that was having an impact on the cost of living in Newport and Wales.   

The rising costs of energy, food and fuel was impacting all households but it was having the hardest impact on some of the city’s most vulnerable residents. 

The Welsh Government and the Council were doing all it could for households during this difficult time and there were services that could support and alleviate these pressures. 

The Leader and Councillor Hughes passed a motion at Council on 1 March, in relation to the National Cost of Living Crisis, to write to central government for action to suspend the proposed increase in National Insurance contributions, reduce VAT for Energy Bills, and introduce a new lower price cap on energy bills to households from excessive price rises. 

Newport Council would be administering the Council Tax rebate relief for A to D band houses and additional rate relief schemes have been agreed that would support many businesses still recovering from the impact of the pandemic.

The Council was also continuing to support food poverty groups and organisations providing funding and support to distribute food and debt advice. 

This Report also recognised that there was still more the Council could and would do to support communities, disadvantaged and vulnerable groups in Newport and would be evolving its work alongside third sector and other public services to address the concerns raised by residents. 

Comments from Cabinet Members:


§  Councillor Hughes wanted to acknowledge the support that people in Newport were giving to the Ukrainians through aid and was proud to be part of the city.


§  Councillor Harvey received a message from Newport Veterans hub who were loading supplies on a wagon to be sent over to the Ukraine.  Councillor Harvey also expressed her pride in the city.


The Leader reflected on the situation and wanted to remind residents that they had the support of the Council.  The Leader was very proud of the Polish community for their mobilisation of aid.  There were also Russian citizens in Newport and the Council recognised that the actions was that of one person in Government and welcomed everyone to the Newport Community.




Cabinet noted the contents of the report and received updates from officers as part of their portfolio.


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