The Leader presented the report to Cabinet. The Education Achievement Service (EAS) were due to circulate the final version of the plan during the week commencing the 21 February.
Joint Executive Group (JEG) Members agreed that the EAS should move to a three year Business Plan model, with a detailed annual update for Members to agree, as per the requirements within the Collaboration and Members Agreement (CAMA).
In addition to regular JEG meetings, senior EAS staff attended monthly quality assurance meetings with Local Authority Officers. These Local Authority Officers provided professional learning for school governors which was advertised via the EAS.
Newport specific topics delivered during the autumn 2021 and spring 2022 terms included:
· Financial Management Responsibilities
· Safeguarding for Designated Governors/Chair of Governors
· Managing Pupil Exclusions from Schools and Pupil Referral Units
· Supporting learners who speak English as an Additional Language (EAL)
· Supporting Service Children/Military Children in your school
There was a universal offer
of professional learning support available to schools in each of
the following areas:
· School Improvement
· Leadership and Teaching
· Curriculum for Wales
· Health Wellbeing and Equity and
· School Governors.
Additional support was also
available to schools, tailored to meet specific needs:
Schools receive a set number of days to work with
their School Improvement Partner (SIP) and engage in professional
dialogue with the EAS and LA to agree and/or amend their
improvement priorities and support requirements.
· Bespoke support would also be available for schools who required more intensive support. This included more support from the SIP or the use of a Learning Network School to School Partnership. There was no fixed allocation to this support.
The Draft Priorities for
Newport were:
Development and implementation of the new
Ensure effective teaching and learning for learners
with Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
Estyn Inspection R1: Improve
the overall performance of secondary schools
Estyn Inspection R2: Reduce
the variance in progress/outcomes for learners eligible for Free
School Meals and those not eligible
Estyn Thematic Review: Develop
a coherent approach to improve progress in literacy, numeracy and
personal and social skills of vulnerable pupils disproportionally
affected by the pandemic, for example pupils eligible for free
school meals
Estyn Thematic Review: Establish strategies to monitor and address the long-term impact
of the pandemic on the physical and mental health of
Comments from Cabinet Members:
§ Councillor Davies, business plan was a model and welcomed to sustain a sensitive approach to supporting Newport Schools. It also recognised that there was a pandemic and accounted for the change in the way education had been undertaken. Business Plan made it clear that all schools would see school improvement and supporting teachers. The EAS were committed to undertaking a review for each authority and the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills and LA therefore supported the report.
§ Councillor Harvey mentioned that it was really good to see nearly 800 school governors and that it was a testimony to those dedicated in supporting their schools. The training programme was very comprehensive.
§ Councillor Jeavons, as a board member the Deputy Leader wanted to thank the EAS for the report and echoed comments Cabinet Member colleagues.
The Leader invited Ed Pryce, Assistant Director, South East Wales Education Achievement Service to say a few words.
Ed Pryce thanked Cabinet Member for their comments and added that the final report was available with Democratic Services. The finance element included resource implications and would continue to deliver funding to schools and continue to meet the high delegation rates.
The Leader thanked Ed Pryce for his attendance, which was appreciated by Cabinet.
That Cabinet
§ Received the report for information and take the opportunity to comment on the contents of the Business Plan as part of the consultation process; and
§ Considered the main strengths and areas for development within Newport, and considered how LA services could be aligned with the priorities contained within the document, therefore ensuring all pupils met their full potential.
Supporting documents: