Agenda item

Parks - Dog Control PSPO




Joanne Gossage (Service Manager Environment and Leisure)


The Service Manager introduced the report. The Service Manager noted that the report had been amended and that they had engaged with stakeholders regarding the amended report and were able to construct a comprehensive consultation exercise. The Service Manager explained that banners and notices had been produced and the consultation exercise had been linked through social media and the Newport City Council website. The Service Manager informed committee that the report would be shown to Cabinet Members before being brought back to the committee.

The Service Manager informed committee that over 3000 people viewed the PSPO page and there was engagement from all wards in city.

A committee member noted that there had been a good number of responses and commended the team for using such a varied approach to collecting consultation feedback.


In what way would the PSPO be enforced?

Are there plenty of bins available for dog walkers to place waste in?

·       The Service Manager noted the purpose of the PSPO was not to be draconian. The Service Manager felt that the phrasing used within the order would be used to dissuade people from certain activities and become self-policing to an extent. The Service Manager felt that measures should be proportionate and only increase in severity when absolutely necessary.

·       The committee member asked whether there was staff to enforce the order.

·       The Service Manager informed committee that softer measurers were for Council officers to enforce, whereas persistent problems could be referred to Community Safety Wardens, Dog Wardens or the Police to monitor those problems.

·       The committee member asked whether there would be on the spot fines.

·       The Service Manager confirmed that there would be.


How would the service area recommend the public report violations of the order?

·       The Service Manager informed committee that if the order was successful, provision would be made within the existing website and contact centre to report issues.

Whether signage would be erected to inform the public of the order?

·       The Service Manager confirmed that it was being formally advertised in all park spaces.


How should residents report dog bites?

·       The Service Manager confirmed it was a police matter.

Would there be any further provision of waste bins?

·       The Service Manager informed committee that they had reviewed this and placed more bins on sites as they had had additional funding from the Welsh Government. The Service Manager encouraged committee to inform her if there were any specific sites they wished the team to review for bin provision.


If too many pitches were being marked out?

·       The Service Manage informed committee that pitches are booked within sports seasons through an existing system with Newport Live. The Service Manager appreciated that sometimes booked events are called off or rescheduled but that they only marked pitches as per diary bookings and for the benefit of the public. 

Whether the bins being installed were general use or specifically dog waste bins?

·       The Service Manager confirmed that most bins are general use.

What was being done regarding dogs on cycle paths?

·       The Service Manager informed committee that cycleways are all shared use unless on a dedicated highway and that pedestrians had right of way over bicycles.

·       The committee member agreed that all parties should be mindful but felt that dogs were unpredictable and provision for dogs being on leads on some baths would be beneficial.

·       The Service Manager explained that the onus was on the owner to control the dog when using shared routes or highways and did not feel that there should be restrictions placed on owners to have dogs on leads. The Service Managed informed committee that there was signage to encourage responsibility.


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