Agenda item

Levelling Up Fund


The Leader presented the report, advising that Cabinet colleagues would be aware that the UK Government launched a £4.8 billion Levelling Up Fund which was aimed at levelling up communities across the UK.  This was a competitive bidding process and up to £20m of capital funding was available for regeneration and cultural projects.  Higher funding limits could apply to transport schemes but during the current bidding round we were focussing on a regeneration scheme.


Newport was identified as a Priority 1 area and whilst this provided an advantage in terms of hierarchy of need, this was a competitive process and funding would be awarded on the basis of the quality of the bid and not priority status. 


Bids must have the support of the constituent MP and all funding must be spent by 2025.  There would be a number of bidding rounds but the deadline for the submission of bids in the first round was 18 June.  Cabinet were therefore being asked to support the submission of a bid for funding for an area identified as the Northern Gateway in the City Centre Master Plan.


The report contained an extract plan from the adopted Master Plan and the Northern Gateway encompassed the area around the Newport Central train station and extends to High Street, Bridge Street, parts of Upper Dock Street and the former Sainsbury’s site.  


There were a number of significant regeneration projects underway or planned in the Northern Gateway area.  This included the refurbishment of the Indoor Market and Market Arcade, the exciting plans for the incubation hub at the Information Station, the brand new office accommodation at the former IAC site on Mill Street and the new active travel footbridge which will connect Devon Place and Queensway. 


As a mainline station providing direct access to Cardiff, Bristol, London and beyond, Newport Central station is a key gateway into our City Centre. 


However investment opportunities and the public realm in this area were not reflective of what you would expect to see when you arrive in the City.  It did not give residents and visitors a sense of arrival and does not clearly direct people into the core of the City Centre where they could access our businesses, leisure and hospitality facilities.  We wanted people to feel positive and energised by the local environment in this area and we wanted investors to see the opportunities that Newport had to offer.  


The Artist’s impressions within the report indicated what is possible, introducing some much needed green infrastructure into the area which was currently dominated by hard surfacing.  This was also an opportunity to complement active travel initiatives and deliver upon our commitment to the vision set out in the Newport Offer, which formed part of the Well-being Plan and also the Placemaking Wales Charter.


The Leader concluded, as already mentioned, this was a competitive process and there was no guarantee of success.  We were able to submit further bids in other rounds.  The Leader was sure that Cabinet would agree that there was a need to pursue all grant funding opportunities in the quest to continue with our ambitious regeneration plans for the City Centre.  The gateway into the City Centre from the train station should be fit for purpose and reflective of the quality of place we were trying to achieve for all of our visitors and residents.  The Leader therefore asked Cabinet colleagues to support the submission of this first round bid.


Cabinet Member comments:


Councillor Jeavons mentioned that over 20km of active travel routes had been improved over the city, such as Devon Place and stretches of the canal.  This was a fantastic opportunity for the council, which was fully supported by the Deputy Leader.


Councillor Harvey, also echoed the comments of Councillor Jeavons.


Councillor Truman added this this would be a good opportunity for Newport and felt it was a big piece in the jigsaw to help improve the City.


Councillor Cockeram observed that Newport was the gateway to Wales and that this was a wonderful opportunity help promote the City.



Cabinet approved the submission of a Levelling Up Funding bid for the Northern Gateway area of the City Centre.

Supporting documents: