Agenda item

Covid-19 Recovery Update Report


The Leader presented the report, giving an update on the Council’s and its partner’s response to the Covid-19 crisis supporting the City (Residents and Businesses) to comply with the current restrictions and progress in the Council’s Strategic Recovery Aims and Corporate Plan. 


Since this Cabinet last met in May, Wales continued to see further reductions in the Covid-19 case rate that has enabled further lockdown restrictions to be eased enabling Newport’s hospitality and indoor venues to reopen.


The Welsh Government also started indoor and outdoor test events across Wales.  In Newport, Newport County fans were able to watch their League two play-off fixture while the Celtic Manor Resort held an indoor business event for 100 invited attendees.


While this was welcomed, progress for society to return back to normal, there still remained the case for Newport’s residents to remain vigilant and cautious.


In the last few weeks, cases of the Indian variant of Covid-19 increased across the UK and Newport had seen small clusters of cases emerge.  While the case rate remained far lower than those earlier this year, we would all have to learn to live with this virus and that while restrictions remained in place we must ensure that we kept to the social distancing guidelines.


Newport’s residents who thought that they may have Covid-19 symptoms to get tested and self-isolate in line with the Public Health Wales guidelines. 


The vaccination programme in Newport and across Wales continued to be successful and over 2 million people had received their first vaccination with over 900,000 receiving their second dose.


The work of Aneurin Bevan Health Board, Newport Live, this Council and others had to be commended by this Cabinet for all of their hard work to protect us all across Newport and there was no doubt that this was having an impact on the spread of the virus. 


The vaccination programme was now reaching the 18 to 30 year old population of Newport and it was just as important that this age group and our black and ethnic minority groups took up the vaccination. 


If anyone had any doubts or concerns about the vaccination they should speak to their local GP or visit the Public Health Wales website where advice could be provided.     


Last month Newport’s Muslim community celebrated the end of Ramadan and celebrate Eid al-Fitr.  It was pleasing to see the community safely celebrate Eid with their family and friends.


Council services and staff were continuing to deliver services to residents and businesses across Newport whether this was out on the front line in residential homes, visiting clients, collecting waste, teaching or working from home and in the office. 


Council officers and strategic partners had been considering carefully how staff and services could safely return and operate in a more flexible way so that we could build upon the changes brought in during the crisis. 


Next month this Cabinet would receive a report that would outline the Council’s future approach and take the opportunities to continue to improve our services.


In the last month the following key areas were delivered by the Council:


§  Continuing digital support and training being provided to children and adults that were impacted by the crisis.

§  The Council has commenced development of a new Digital Strategy for Newport’s communities and the Council

§  Community Renewal Fund applications were being submitted to support new employment and training opportunities for communities.

§  Grants totalling £1.64m assisted 820 businesses and self-employed people in Newport.

§  Continuing work to develop a Local Area Energy Plan for Newport that would support the decarbonisation of Newport’s power, heat and transport needs for the future.

§  Adult services were looking at modifying service arrangements to resume day services. 

§  Newport Live recommenced Leisure Services and delivered outdoor physical activities.

§  Newport Council would be undertaking further engagement work through the Citizens Panel and bus wifi.


That concluded the report, further updates on the Council’s progress would be provided next month.


Cabinet Member Comments:


Councillor Cockeram advised that funding for Care Homes in the private sector could run out which was cause for concern.  The Leader agreed that it was an important issue and also praised the Council’s Social Services team who ensured that the elderly were not negatively impacted.


Councillor Truman reiterated the Leader’s comments and paid tribute to the Welsh Government on its vaccine programme.


Councillor Harvey thanked all the staff for their hard work as well as the hard work of Newport Live staff.


Councillor Hughes also thanked staff and volunteers who were helping the vulnerable.


The Chief Executive thanked everyone within the council for their support, and gave a mention to Environmental Health and the Track and Trace team.  The Chief Executive stressed that we were far from being out of woods, and urged residents to help manage and contain issues that the virus had continued to cause across the globe. 


In addition to this, the Chief Executive mentioned that the Levelling Up report was a reflection on the effort of work from teams across the council.



Cabinet considered the contents of the report and noted the progress being made to date and the risks that were still faced by the Council.

Supporting documents: