Agenda item

Replacement Local Development Plan: Post Consultation Endorsement of Review Report and Delivery Agreement


The Leader presented the report, highlighting that the Replacement LDP Review Report was a document which set out the key legislation and policy changes that had occurred since the adoption of the LDP back in 2015. The document also included an assessment of what LDP polices were working well and which needed to be reviewed.


The Replacement LDP Delivery Agreement was a timetable setting out how the Council intended to manage and deliver the LDP.  It also set out who, when and how the Council would consult and engage during the production of the Replacement LDP.


Both of these draft documents were brought before Cabinet in October 2020 and it was agreed they would be subject to public consultation.  This public consultation had taken place and Cabinet is being asked to consider the comments received, approve the suggested responses to those comments, and endorse both documents for presentation to full Council at the end of April.  Following the endorsement by Full Council we would be able to formally submit to Welsh Government.  Acceptance from Welsh Government would signal the legal commencement of the LDP review.


In respect of Consultation Feedback on the Review Report:


Appendix A of the Cabinet Report set out all responses received.  In general, comments were supportive of the Review Report and agreed that a review of the LDP should progress.


Some responses to note included:

·         The Future Generations Commissioner for Wales noted that planning is a priority area in delivering the well-being goals.

·         Requests to halt any development in the Gwent Levels. The impact of large renewable energy schemes was a particular concern.

·         With the Welsh Government declaring a biodiversity and climate change emergency, the effectiveness of current policy to protect and enhance ecology was raised.

·         The continuation of a brownfield strategy was supported along with the need to ensure the plan’s strategy does not lead to social detriment.

·         The role and importance of mineral planning for Newport and the region.

·         The need to consider access to the river for recreation and lifeboat services.

·         The need to review tourism policy and recognised important this was to Newport’s economy.

·         The impact from Covid 19 and using planning as a tool to aid recovery.

·         The importance and opportunities that resulted from Heritage and its role in the Newport Offer.

·         The need to focus on the regeneration of the City Centre, and

·         The opportunities arising from national and regional public transport improvements.


 In relation to the Delivery Agreement:


Appendix B of the Report set out all responses received.  Again, there was general support for the Delivery Agreement and some of the comments received included:

·         Support for the proposed timetable.

·         Helpful links to stakeholders not identified in the draft.

·         Questions on the impact on engagement with Covid-19, and

·         The need for transparency of decision making throughout the Replacement LDP process.


In Conclusion


As a result of the public consultation, a small number of minor changes were made to both documents.  These changes were set out in the appendices and links to the new draft documents were also contained within the report.  Cabinet was asked to consider and approve these documents and agree for them to be referred to Full Council with the intention of formally submitting to Welsh Government.


Comments of Cabinet Members:


Councillor Davies supported the comments in relation to the contributions made by external bodies to take the LDP forward.  Councillor Davies also welcomed that residents of Newport wanted to participate in the process.  It was an excellent document, with future consideration given to the points raised by residents.




§  Cabinet approved the recommended responses to the feedback received during consultation and endorsed the updated versions of the Review Report and Delivery Agreement.  

§  Cabinet recommended to Full Council that these documents be formally adopted and approved for formal submission to Welsh Government. 

Supporting documents: