Agenda item

Mid-Year Performance Analysis 2020/21


The Leader presented the Mid-Year Performance Analysis for the first six months (April to September) of this year.


The Council’s service areas provided an update on the progress against the delivery of their service plan objectives and performance measures, which contributed towards the Council’s Strategic Recovery Aims and Corporate Plan.


The report also included feedback and recommendations of the People Scrutiny Committee and Place and Corporate Scrutiny Committee following the presentation of the mid-year reviews in November 2020.


Back in 2017, we launched our 5 year Corporate Plan which set out our vision and goals for improving people’s lives in Newport and improving the delivery of our services.


The Council’s eight service areas developed service plans, which outlined how they would contribute towards achieving the Council’s objectives and improve the delivery of their services.


As with any plan there were challenges and external factors that could impact on the achievement of our goals.


2020 had been unlike any other year that we had faced as a Council and across our communities that had disrupted the delivery of services, and refocusing our efforts to support vulnerable and marginalised communities and households.   This had also demonstrated however, the strengths of the Council as it had to respond quickly to these challenges and implement new and innovative ways of delivering our services.


To support this, Cabinet approved Newport City Council’s four Strategic Recovery Aims, which supported the Council’s Wellbeing Objectives aims but reflect the opportunities and challenges that have presented themselves. 


The Leader detailed the progress against the four Strategic Recovery Aims, with majority of actions reporting a ‘Green’ overall status.  The Amber status highlighted potential issues, which could impact on the successful delivery of these actions and only 1% of actions reported a Red status and were at risk of not being completed by their target date.  The performance measures we discussed in detail by the Leader as outlined within the report.


The report had also highlighted some of the achievements and notable developments in the delivery of the Corporate Plan and Strategic Recovery Aims. 


Cabinet also considered the Scrutiny Committee Feedback and Recommendations.  The constructive scrutiny and feedback provided by the Council’s Performance Scrutiny Committees back in November on the delivery against the service plans and wider context of the Covid crisis was welcomed by Cabinet.  The report also included their feedback and key points raised in each of the meetings and full minutes / videos of the meetings could be accessed online through the Council’s website. 


Overall, the Scrutiny Committees understood the challenges that this Council and its partners had faced throughout the year and with both Officers and Members helping Committee Members to understand and provide assurance on the delivery of services and the plans.


The Leader and Cabinet colleagues accepted the feedback received from our colleagues at both Scrutiny Committees and encourage both Cabinet Members and Senior Officers of the Council to consider these in the delivery of services and future reports presented.


The Leader concluded that overall, Newport Council and its services were progressing well against their objectives despite the many and varying challenges during 2020 and in the New Year. 


As highlighted throughout this year, the inequality in society remained a significant challenge and as a Council working together with its partners, residents and businesses there was an opportunity to make a difference for everyone in the City.


The Leader went on to say that Cabinet had a responsibility for the oversight and delivery of these service plans and where good progress was being made that this be recognised and celebrated.  Equally, the Cabinet must also take responsibility and ensure that where underperformance was reported that the necessary action(s) was taken by the service areas to improve their performance and deliver the services required by our constituents.


The Leader therefore asked Cabinet Members to note and agree the contents of this report.


Comments from Cabinet:


Councillor Harvey reiterated that this was a terrible year however, was astounded by all the amazing results within the report and could not speak highly enough of officers, the report was commendable.


Councillor Truman echoed Councillor Harvey’s comments and referred to his portfolio, and the selfless work of council staff that volunteered to work for Track and Trace.   Environmental Officers also had to carry out their normal duties as well as providing a service for Track and Trace and congratulated them on their fantastic effort.


Councillor Davies mentioned that in December the Council was awarded two national solar powered awards. Newport City Council were striving to reduce their carbon footprint by using zero emission transport within Regeneration, Investment and Housing Service area.


Councillor Giles listed to the huge demands, which had been met regarding education and support for schools and within a short period of time, the strain on secondary schools, cancelled exams and staffing issues, looking after most vulnerable children, attendance, changes in teaching practice, protecting families, provision of MS Teams amongst many other challenges.


Councillor Jeavons referred to the collection of waste and recycling and reminded those present that staff also catch Covid but that this had not deterred their hard work.  The willingness of staff from the bottom up did not go unnoticed.


Councillor Cockeram referred to the Youth Offending Team where not one child had been in custody over 18 months as well as the foster carer’s initiative.  There were an extra six foster carers which made excellent strides towards decreasing the independent sector.


Councillor Mayer referred to the development of Neighbourhood Hubs page which was on hold because of the pandemic however was looking forward to this being developed further in due course.


The Leader took the opportunity to thank the teams in Law and Regulation, People and Business Change and SRS who helped councillors to function as elected members, establish our Governance and allow committees to continue to take place.  The Cabinet would not be able to meet in this format if it was not for the staff support.



Cabinet were requested

1.    To note the contents of the report

2.    To receive a further update on the year-end position once the data was available

3.    To take urgent action in conjunction with the Directors and Heads of Service to address areas of poor performance.

Supporting documents: