Agenda item

Forecast Number of Looked After Children (LAC)


The Leader introduced the report that confirmed that Children’s Services continue to work proactively to support children and families.  Staff work to ensure children are safely cared for in their families and if this is not possible children are looked after and offered the best possible opportunities.


The report confirmed that Welsh Government has continued to focus on reducing the numbers of looked after children in Wales. In Newport the number of children overall in the care of the Local Authority has remained stable. Children continue to come into care but children are also leaving care, either to return to family, or to be placed for adoption, or because they reach the age of 18.  Since reporting to Cabinet in May 2019, officers have continued to provide regular reports as required to Welsh Government. Since March 2020 this has included weekly reporting.


The report stated that staff have worked tirelessly since the onset of Covid-19 and have continued to deliver full services.  Referrals have increased and the pressures on families have inevitably heightened.


Several new initiatives introduced by Children’s Services and funded by Welsh Government grant and LA resources are working well, for example:


       Family Group Conferencing

·         Baby and Me to support families.


It was also noted that staff from a broad swathe of agencies are involved in supporting vulnerable families and Children’s Services’ staff continue to engage to share practice and work to a culture of safe risk management for children.


The Leader, along with the Cabinet Member for Social Services and officers, was deeply disappointed to receive a letter from the Deputy Minister with such a negative tone as the letter on the back of the past 8 months does not reflect the increasing challenges faced by families or the work across all agencies to try to mitigate some of those pressures.  (For reference the letter is attached as an appendix to the report). 


The Leader invited the Cabinet Member for Social Services to speak to the report:


The Cabinet Member referred to the letter received from Welsh Government and whilst understanding their approach confirmed that the Council has a duty of care to ensure children are safe.  He referred to page 153 of the report which details numbers of looked after children over the last 18 months; he confirmed that the numbers are presently quite stable.

He commended the hard work of officers within Children’s Services who constantly strive to ensure children and families are safe.  Whilst setting targets is not always helpful, staff have continued to work across Children’s services and other agencies to only bring children into care when it is absolutely necessary.


He was pleased to report that in the past two years the Council has:


·         opened Rose Cottage – now nominated for a Social Care Excellence Award,

·         significantly increased the support for foster carers,

·         are well on the way to opening Rosedale and are moving forward with Windmill Farm. 

·         In 2019/20 approval of 6 new households as foster carers.  Already in 2020/21 approved 13 households with more currently being assessed.  This is as a result of increased financial support and a comprehensive recruitment campaign.

He reported that the Minister has made an announcement that more money will be forthcoming for looked after children but the figure has yet to be confirmed.


The Cabinet Member reported that whilst the Welsh Government emphasis is on reduction, the work of Children’s Services is safely supporting families and whilst becoming looked after is always a last resort, the Council is ensuring it provides the best possible care when that need does arise.


The Leader invited the Head of Children and Young People Services, Sally Jenkins, to speak to the report; she confirmed that as at today’s figure the number of looked after children is 378.  She re-emphasised the comments made by the Leader and Cabinet Member that the priority is to keep children safe and to offer them the best level of care possible.  She confirmed that bringing children into care is the last resort and will only take this path if no other alternative is available.


The Leader thanked the Head of Service and all officers within social services for their hard work and diligence.




Cabinet voted and unanimously agreed the report.



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