Agenda item

Welsh Language Annual Report


The report had been prepared in accordance with Welsh Language Standards 158, 164 and 170 which require that the Council reports annually on compliance with Welsh Language Standards, as well as publishing specific information, including the number of complaints received, the Welsh language skills of staff, the training offered through the medium of Welsh, and the level of Welsh required on all vacant and new posts advertised during the financial year.


The annual report is currently published on the Council’s website in draft form in order to comply with the statutory publishing deadline of June 2020.  The Welsh Language Commissioner has recognised that final reports may be delayed due to the impact of COVID-19 on council governance arrangements.

The Leader was pleased to present the report to Cabinet as it allowed her and her Cabinet Members to reflect on achievements over the past 12 months, as well as the opportunities that need to be further developed in the Council’s commitment to growing the Welsh language in the city during the coming year.

The report confirmed that this year focus has been on developing relationships with community partners, welcoming the Welsh Language Commissioner to the Civic Centre as part of Gwyl Newydd, our local Welsh Language Festival, and recruiting a Welsh Language Promotion Officer to help engage local communities in the lead up to the opening of the city’s fourth Welsh language medium primary school.

All Cabinet members have had the opportunity to attend Welsh language training this year, and the Leader thanked Cllr Jason Hughes, who, in his role as Welsh Language Champion, continues to promote Welsh language amongst elected members and across communities.  The Leer also thanked officers for continuing to help promote this throughout the authority.

Looking forward, the annual report also identifies a number of key priorities for the future, including:

           increasing the number of staff that take up Welsh language training;

           improving the data that we hold on Welsh speakers within the Council, and,

           working to establish the Welsh language as part of our diverse communities’ sense of identity and belonging in the city.

The Leader moved the annual report for adoption. Diolch yn fawr.


The Leader introduced the Cabinet Member for Community and Resources to speak to the report


Cllr Mayer, as equalities lead, welcomed this year’s Welsh Language Annual Report, being particularly pleased with the progress made over the last 12 months in developing stronger links with the Council’s Welsh language and community partners.  He confirmed the Council is working to embed Welsh language as an integral part of the city’s cultural identity, and was delighted that local events and partnerships have been supported in order to take this forward.  As a Welsh language learner, the Cabinet Member is also encouraging, this year, the piloting of a number of new training opportunities for councillors and staff which he hopes will encourage more people to take up learning our national language.


In summary the report asked Cabinet to:


           approve the final monitoring report and publish it on the Council’s website, in accordance with statutory deadlines.



Cabinet voted and unanimously agreed the report.


Supporting documents: