Agenda item

Presentation – Onyx Link Foundation


Dr Abdullah introduced himself to the committee. He advised that this is the second time he has attended the SACRE committee, and would show a draft presentation to committee members, hopefully to get the idea across. Onyx are hoping to provide a service to Primary and Secondary schools within Newport. Onyx have been working closely with the Chair of SACRE. OLF are excited about the prospect of this work. Many people attended the Interfaith Seminar earlier in the year and already lots of people are on board with this new project. Dr, Abdullah said that comments and recommendations from the committee will be valuable. Consultation will be made with professionals on how this can be put forward for teaching materials for Primary and Secondary Schools.


First presentation shown. THE OLF INTERFAITH APPROACH TO RE


It was explained that OLF may complement the RE Curriculum as there would be an Interfaith input enabling pupils to learn about the values shared by all religions and worldviews regarding One Humanity, Peaceful Coexistence and Caring for Earth, our shared home, and the OLF hope that such knowledge may bring respect and help understanding and appreciation of the similarities in the diversity of the worldviews in our communities.


The Educational Pack holds resources for teachers and pupils including

-        Declaration of faith leaders and communities on shared values regarding One Humanity, Morality, and Earth our Home.

-        Videos of faith leaders on their values regarding the above.

-        Declaration of faith leaders and communities on a    faith perspective of citizenship.

-        Videos of faith leaders on faith & citizenship.


Activities discussed in meetings with the Chair of Newport SACRE and staff are a means of getting information across. Activities might include Question and Answer sessions. Schools will be able to choose the content. The OLF recently attended the Welsh Assembly to discuss the notion of Islamophobia. The Chief Police Commissioner of Wales was also involved as a cross party partnership in looking at education. It was also used to help raise awareness, for example if someone was assaulted or harassed, what should they do? Should they report to police? It would help the victim but not the perpetrator. Punishment by sending them prison wouldn’t help, why did they do it in the first place? With partnership work alongside government workers and community leaders, this will help to address Islamophobia.

During the Q&A sessions pupils will have freedom to ask questions with the objective of seeing faith leaders of different religions sitting together. This itself will improve conflict. It is hoped that students will grill teachers and faith leaders to get knowledge. Advanced discussions could be had with GCSE and A level students including views held within different religions on issues such as organ donation and euthanasia.


Dr Abdullah then gave information about the Interfaith event, Getting to Know You. This may take place in Newport cathedral in the presence of faith leaders. Schools will be invited to book a time slot of up to 2 hours between 10am to 2pm.

SACRE members discussed the practicalities of holding these events. NB commented on the use of technology when speaking to A or GCSE level students, the need for questions to be sent from schools in advance of the sessions.

PW asked Is there a job to some professionals to speak with the people going into the school to give them more confident working with young people? That would be on offer.

During the Officers’ pre-meeting it had been suggested the Learning Network lead for RE, Tanya Simmons from Bassaleg School, might like to become involved. PW had contacted her, and she is willing to work on this with a mind to marrying this work with the new curriculum. The Chair commented that it is okay to pitch at this level but need to understand that what is being proposed to schools is correct. NB replied if topic is given, that narrows down the content and links to topics related to the syllabus.


PW replied that in terms of marrying language with new curriculum in part using worldviews and including non-religious world views is brilliant. In some areas, could use “faith and belief”, could this be worked on? Dr Abdullah advised absolutely, and will get advice from professionals in RE as they know best what terminology the teachers can deliver. PW wished to ensure that we can cover within RE framework. She then asked that in future, does the OLF envision of having hubs in the rest of Wales? Dr Abdullah absolutely sees this and advised that this proposal is going to be a part of a three-year programme for Gwent, which will be delivered in Gwent and beyond to share good practice. If any of the other SACREs around Wales are interested, then OLF are ready to go and deliver this.


JW queried when people apply for citizenship, are these views highlighted when they are in this process? Dr Abdullah replied that this morning he had had read an article about faith and confident in Wales, that is helping this question in Africa and Sudan. Very important should include this as part of naturalisation. If left to immigration law, will not give orientation to fit. Working with politicians, Assembly Members to get to area. Been supporting refugees in Gwent, most of them have views have been very harmful and a view we see as radical. As to fit in this society, committed to this. LP advised she will share with Secondary School head teachers and thinks all schools will buy in to this.


The Chair thanked OLF for attending.


Further comments were then made:

-        JW commented that this can be a part of community cohesion which Desperately needed.


-        NH –advised schools haven’t got time to do everything so this would be really helpful.

-        The Chair comment that this would work well with new Humanities AoLE.

-        NB commented on the need for training, but it will link with new curriculum and language. This will also be of benefit to lots of schools in the valleys who have RE days.


-        PW commented that it would be wonderful to have a regional RE conference for young people similar to the Interfaith conference. NB advised there was one held for Bassaleg and Llanwern pupils. Faith representatives would speak for 15 minutes to several groups and have a Q&A.


-        The Chair highlighted Newport’s issues, and need to make schools aware that SACRE is available for these issues as an advisory service. Even though information is promoted in the newsletter, we need to introduce SACRE if there are any issues.

-        PW commented on issues around translation, and suggestions about setting up regional hub for SACRE to store resources. Social media could be a way forward. Hoping to get an EAS twitter account for SACRE and RE in region to promote SACRE. Free and easy way forward in terms of marketing.


-        NB liked the idea of holding a small conference. PW advised she has spoken to Chris Abbas who is very keen on the idea.


-        It was suggested for PW to write to Baha’i Wales as they have expressed interest in sitting on SACRE committee, and could also invite the Wiccan faith leader, and Tanya Simmonds from Bassaleg school as a co-opted rep.



PW to check through SACRE Terms of Reference and contact Baha’i, Wiccan representatives and Tanya Simmonds.