Agenda item

Corporate Risk Register Update (Quarter 1)


The Leader presented the report and confirmed this information is also reported to the Audit Committee.


The report asked Cabinet to consider the contents of the report and note the changes to the risk register for quarter 1.

The Leader confirmed the Council’s Risk Management Strategy and Corporate Risk Register enables this administration and officers to effectively identify, manage and monitor those risks which could prevent the authority from achieving the objectives set out in the Corporate Plan 2017/22 and its Statutory Duties as a local authority.

Furthermore, the Leader stated that annually, as part of the Council’s planning arrangements, service areas review their current risks and look forward at new or emerging risks that would prevent this administration from achieving its objectives as part of the Council’s Corporate Plan.

The report notes this review has identified 57 risks across the organisation. 12 of the risks have been escalated to the Council’s Corporate Risk Register requiring monitoring from Cabinet and the Senior Leadership Team.

The remaining risks will continue to be monitored through the Council’s service areas and Corporate Theme Boards.  Mechanisms are in place to escalate any new or existing risk to the Corporate Risk Register. 

At the end of Quarter 1 (1st April 2019 to 30th June 2019) the Council has eight High Risks (15 to 25) and four Medium Risks (5 to 14).  There are three new risks that have been escalated to the risk register:

Schools Finance/Cost Pressures (Risk Score 20) – this is related to the increasing financial pressures being faced by some schools this financial year (2019/20).  Several schools have forecast potential deficits at the end of the financial year.  Education Services and Schools’ Finance are supporting these schools to identify ways of reducing the deficits and ensuring the education of the pupils is not impacted.

Demand for ALN and SEN support (Risk Score 12) – New legislation is being implemented to provide appropriate support for pupils with Additional Learning Needs and Special Education Needs support.  There are some unknowns in relation to the overall impact on Education Services and schools and the level of demand which is why action is being undertaken to mitigate this impact. 

Education Out of County Placements (Risk Score 16) – This risk is linked to the other two risks identified and reflects the pressure that is being placed on the ALN and SEN support for children.  To ensure that the children receive the appropriate level of support and maximise their potential, they may have to be placed in schools outside the city.  There is potential that this could place additional financial pressures on the Council.

The most notable change in the first quarter from the last quarter four report is:


Brexit (Increase Risk Score from 12 to 16) – In the first quarter of this year the Brexit risk has increased from 12 to 16.  This score is reflective of the change to the Prime Minister and the likelihood of a ‘No Deal’ Brexit on 31st October 2019.  The Council’s Brexit Task & Finish Group has been closely monitoring the situation to ensure Council services remain robust and mitigate any immediate and long term impact.

The Strategic Director Place confirmed the Council is as prepared as any other local authority in Wales.  However, some issues are being escalated, such as fleet management, and supply of goods and services.  Cabinet raised the issue of the forecast of a harsh winter which could severely impact on the Council’s budget and delivery of services. 

The proposal before Cabinet was to:

1.    Consider the contents of the Corporate Risk Register and to continue monitoring progress of actions taken to address the risks identified in the report, or,

2.    To request further information or reject the contents of the risk register




Cabinet endorsed the Risk Appetite Statement for the Council and the contents of the quarter 1 update of the Corporate Risk Register. 



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