Agenda item

Corporate Risk Register - Quarter Three


The Leader presented the report, the purpose of which was to provide Cabinet with the Quarter 3 update on the Corporate Risk Register, which supports the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan 2017/22.


Cabinet was asked to consider the contents of the report and note the changes to the Corporate Risk Register for quarter 3.


The summary of changes to the Corporate Risk Register were noted:


·          At the end of quarter 3 there were 14 corporate risks consisting 6 high risks and 8 medium risks.

·          Appendix 1 of the report provides a summary of the risks and movement with the risk scores over the last year.

·          Appendix 2 provides a detailed report of the Corporate Risk Register.

·          In November 2018 the Council’s Audit Committee raised 3 recommendations in relation to the Council’s Brexit Risk, Asset Management and partnership work. 

Further to these recommendations and as part of the Council’s quarterly review the following changes have taken place:

Risk 4 (Brexit)

·      Newport Council has been undertaking ongoing work to prepare for Brexit and used guidance provided by the WLGA and Welsh Government Brexit Task & Finish Group led by the Strategic Director for Place;  (The Leader announced during the meeting that Welsh Government has just announced extra funding to help local authorities prepare for Brexit; the Chief Executive also confirmed an announcement has been made by Welsh Government about making money available for local authorities who haver ports within their boundary);

·      The group has identified key Brexit risks to the Council’s services, and actions are in place to monitor the progress of the actions;

·      However, the uncertainty over the UK Government’s position and an increased probability of a ‘No Deal’ scenario from 29th March has resulted in the risk score increasing to 16.

Risk 8 (Stability of External Suppliers in Social Services)

·      The risk score has increased from 16 to 20 in quarter 3 which is a reflection of Brexit and the impact which it could have to the health and social care sector.

·      Actions have been identified by the Council’s Brexit Task & Finish Group and there is ongoing dialogue between the health service and social services to ensure the necessary supplies, staffing resources are in place to provide continuity of care to the community.

Risk 9 (Pressure on Infrastructure)

·      This risk has been closed following a review of the Council’s Asset Management risk (Risk 13).

·      The risk will be monitored through the new Risk ‘Maintaining the Highways Network’

Risk 11 (Information Technology Modernisation) and Risk 12 (Cyber Attack)

·      The actions to manage both of these risks were reviewed in quarter 3 and have been updated to reflect the changes in arrangements with the Council’s IT provider Shared Resource Service (SRS) and also to reflect the necessary actions required by the Council to securely store and protect data and comply with the Data Protection Act.

Risk 13 (Maintaining the Highways Network) and Risk 16 (Council Buildings and Assets)

·          A review of the Council’s Asset Management risk has resulted in 2 new risks being identified.

·          The maintenance of the Council’s Highways Network remains one of the high level risks (20) to the Council due to:

o  The level of funding required to maintain and replace the existing infrastructure; and

o  The impact of the removal of the Severn Bridge tolls to the highways network

·          Council’s Buildings and Assets risk has been scored as 12 which acknowledges the existing risk management processes in place to manage the Council’s assets but also the required funding needed to maintain and improve all of the Council’s assets.

Risk 15 (Newport City Centre Security and Safety)

·          This is a new risk that has been identified and included in the Council’s risk register.

·          As more major events are attracted to Newport City Centre such as the Tour of Britain and the British Transplant Games and the continued regeneration of Newport City Centre it is recognised that this poses additional risk to the security and safety of citizens, businesses and infrastructure.

·          This risk has been scored at 15 which reflects the impact which any threat to the city centre and the ongoing work required to improve security and safety by Newport Council and partner organisations such as Gwent Police. 



Cabinet agreed the report and the changes made to the Risk Register.