Agenda item

New Curriculum development verbal update: - to include discussion on Prof. Donaldson’s Video


PW introduced the item to the Committee and explained the Prof. Donaldson video had been sent prior to the meeting, and asked the Committee for their comments

The Committee discussed the following:


HT explained she acts as a Catholic Teacher and Prof. Donaldson has attended her school for an evening and would also be visiting for 3 hours the day after the SACRE meeting.

Topics of discussion included the position of Religious Education, a long debate of whether RE should sit inside of Humanities or outside. Humanities stressed how important it was to maintain focus on RE.


PW explained Prof. Donaldson was very supportive of RE. She said that many people had expressed concern  that Religious Education could be lost if an interdisciplinary approach were taken. However, PW explained that each discipline should be visible in the curriculum. You cannot have an interdisciplinary approach without the individual disciplines. There is a lot of work being done by the pioneers developing the curriculum to make sure each discipline is visable and represented. In the 14 -16 age group there should be quite strong specialism in the  disciplines.

RE is statutory until the age of 16. PW explained that Qualifications Wales are she is unsure what the qualifications will look like, but that there will be meeting soon with the Qualifications Team later in March. SACRE members recommended that there was a need to  highlight some of the pitfalls with the current short course, whilst also making sure it will be suitable for learners in the new curriculum.

PW advised that the draft curriculum would be published in April for consultation, and that it is currently out for translation and editing. This will be discussed in the next SACRE meeting. PW informed SACRE members that, following the SACRE consultation with Welsh Government for the need for supporting framework, Welsh Government have made funding available for RE. An experienced writing team had already  been put together to produce the RE Framework. Meurig Roberts is acting as Welsh Government Lead and the writing group are being led by Paula Webber (EAS Adviser for RE) and Libby Jones (Wrexham RE Adviser) whose services have been procured by Welsh Government. . SACRE were informed that the first meeting of the RE Framework group would be the following week.


HS enquired about qualifications, and asked are they looking at age 16 to have Humanities qualifications? PW advised that she is unsure what it will look like currently, but it needs to take into account that RE is statutory and needs to be taught until children are 16. HS expressed concern that if the qualification is moving into a joint qualification it would be difficult for children to be withdraw from it. .


The Chair asked how would you specialise in these areas if they are grouped together? PW replied she is unsure what is going to be done, it could be a bespoke qualification.

HT commented that secondary options are so much restricted because of having Maths and Welsh Baccalaureate and that children should have a broader education. PW advised it be kept broad but reiterated that  not decisions had been made in terms of qualifications. .


PW advised that children should be doing RE because it is statutory and suggested that they should, therefore,be awarded for it. HT commented that qualifications drive the curriculum, and are used to measure the schools performance. PW agreed that this is the case under the current system. Welsh Government are also looking at a new Assessment and Evaluation framework and that Estyn have been part of this process. In the new curriculum the learner will be at the heart of the curriculum rather than the data. Therefore, This will Assessment and Evaluation Framework  be published the same time as the draft Curriculum.


SS commented that there are 3 aspects to Maths, but the qualification is just Maths. Humanities should take the same line, with Geography and History.  PW commented that it may look different. HT replied that because it is locally agreed, how can it fit in with the syllabus for Geography and History, which is central. PW replied that it is up to the local SACRE to adopt or adapt the national Framework for RE as the locally agreed syllabus and that SACREs had been consulted on this . Could get a rogue SACRE that doesn’t want to sign up but it is understood that every SACRE has signed up.




The report was noted.