Agenda item

Director of Social Services Annual Report


The Leader introduced this report the purpose of which is to set out the local authority’s improvement journey in providing services to people in Newport, who access information, advice and assistance, and those individuals and carers in receipt of care and support. This report sets out to demonstrate how Newport Social Services has responded to the new requirements of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 and how we have promoted and accounted for the delivery of well-being standards to the citizens of Newport.


The report is intended not to detail process but to focus on the activities and outcomes achieved and the impact this has had on citizens in Newport. The report is a significant review of the whole Council and not singularly the report of the Director of Social Services.  The evidence of citizens has been used throughout the report, as has the contribution of our partner agencies and commissioned services.


The report has three main features:


·        It reflects two dynamic services which are delivering services in new ways in changing environments;

·        The well-known budget challenge is a necessary consideration across all Social Services operations;

·        Performance and delivery have been maintained – a significant achievement in the circumstances

The well-being objectives wind through all social services operations and tie closely to the Newport City Council Corporate Plan, notably:

·        To improve skills, educational outcomes and employment opportunities.

·        To enable people to be healthy, independent & resilient.

·        To build cohesive & sustainable communities.


It was noted that each year financial constraints become more significant when available budgets are set against rising costs and increasing demand.  There is a continuous striving to minimise costs and identify savings.  In Children’s Services, efforts have concentrated on addressing the shortage of placement options and the associated costs as well as appropriately minimising the numbers of looked after children.  Work in Adults Services has included the managing of demand and the building of capacity through the integration of health and social care.  As usual, there has also been a drive to minimise delayed transfers of care, which were kept at manageable levels though there remains scope to improve.  The Care in Wales Inspection Reports and Performance Indicators demonstrate however, that the service delivered to children and adults is being maintained, a significant achievement.

In addition to legislative change and financial challenges, implementation of the Welsh Community Care and Information System (WCCIS) has been delivered.  This took considerable planning, training and management and means that Newport City Council will be able to take full advantage of this still developing case information system designed for Councils and Health Boards.

Partnership working has developed further with the other South East Wales Local Authorities with numerous joint initiatives maintained and developed:

·        The integrated partnership with Barnardo’s has remained a strength with a retendering for the strategic partnership delivered by Barnardo’s recently completed.

·        The Regional Partnership Board, at which the third sector, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and South East Wales Local Authorities are represented, has emerged as a primary route for the transformation of health and social care and Newport City Council engages fully in this process. 

·        The opening of Ty Eirlys in partnership with Pobl and the joint working with the third sector, Health Board and Gwent Local Authorities in general

2018/19 will prove no less challenging but social services in Newport City Council are lean, efficient and well placed to respond.

The Cabinet Member commended the staff for bringing this excellent report forward and the ground-breaking initiatives being taken forward within the service area. 


Councillor Whitcutt (seconded by Councillor Mayer) commended the staff and the Cabinet Member for their sterling work in delivering such services under great pressure.




Cabinet unanimously agreed to endorse the Annual Report of the Director of Social Services for 2017-18.

Supporting documents: