Agenda item

WAO Scrutiny Fit for the Future Report


The Leader introduced the report and explained that as part of their programme of work for 2017/18 the Wales Audit Office (WAO) reviewed the Council’s overview and scrutiny arrangements.  The main aim of the review was to assess how ‘Fit for the Future’ scrutiny functions in responding to current challenges including the Well-being of Future Generations (WFG) Act. 


The review also included how Councils are beginning to undertake scrutiny of the Public Service Boards. 


The Review was undertaken during December 2017 and January 2018.  The WAO reviewed documents, observed a sample of scrutiny committee meetings, interviewed officers and held focus groups with Members involved in scrutiny to obtain their views on the Council’s current scrutiny arrangements and understand how the Council is approaching and intends to respond to the challenges identified.


The Review found that the Council’s leadership is committed to improving its scrutiny function and to meet current and future challenges for scrutiny, but Members need a fuller understanding of their scrutiny role and more effective, timely training.  The WAO came to this conclusion because:


a.     The Council has made recent changes to its scrutiny arrangements, which now need to be strengthened and embedded effectively in order for it to be well-placed to meet current and future challenges;

b.     The Council is creating a new environment for scrutiny to drive improvement, however Members need a fuller understanding of their role in scrutiny and timely  and specific member training to improve their effectiveness; and

c.      The Council is improving the planning and operation of its scrutiny function, which can be strengthened by greater alignment between the work of scrutiny and Cabinet.


The WAO made six Proposals for Improvement:


The Council’s scrutiny function could be further strengthened by:


P1 Providing a structured and timely member development programme to improve members’ scrutiny skills and improve their understanding of their scrutiny role;


P2 Effectively holding Cabinet Members to account for service performance when invited to scrutiny meetings;


P3 Improving the planning and links between the forward work programme of scrutiny committees and Cabinet;


P4  Providing further training for scrutiny members on the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act to improve their understanding and consideration of the Act when undertaking scrutiny activity;


P5 Reviewing the impact of the new scrutiny structure and arrangements in driving improvement; and


P6 Improving the public’s engagement with the scrutiny function by using a wider range of engagement methods.



The Council has provided the WAO with a management response and created an action plan to address the Proposals for Improvement.


Non Jenkins (WAO) thanked all that were involved in this review: the key message from the WAO is to keep the momentum going and learn from what is working and what needs to be tweaked/changed going forward.


The Leader thanked the WAO for the review and confirmed the Council will learn lessons from it.


Councillor Jeavons stated that training should also be extended to the role of Chair of Scrutiny.


In addition, Councillor Cockeram stated that more policy development is required to be undertaken by Scrutiny.




Cabinet agreed the report and to initiate the Action Plan to address the Proposals for Improvement.


Supporting documents: