The SACRE Members were given an outline on the main functions that SACRE undertakes. The following was highlighted;
What is Religious Education
What Happens in Religious Education?
Religious Education and the Curriculum –
Local Responsibility
The broad role of SACRE:
Composition of SACRE
The Role of SACRE
Agreed Syllabus
The responsibilities of the LA in respect of SACRE
Impact of Successful Futures on RE
What can SACREs do to become more effective
Members discussed whether timing of SACRE meetings were a factor and that attendance would be better in an evening. If meetings being held at Civic Centre were later in the afternoon then school teachers would only require cover for a short time. The meetings held in schools would remain in the mornings. The Chair suggested adding an agenda point for the next meeting to see how attendance could improve.
Suggestion was also made that SACRE members could visit school’s to attend Collective worship and visit RE departments to introduce themselves. Members could observe what the school is doing for RE and explain the support that SACRE can offer. Councillor Watkins advised a number of the Councillors in the Committee are School Governors, so they could visit schools and report back to SACRE. Paula advised that there is a need for every school to know what SACRE is and what the Committee does. Suggestion was then made to formalise a process. It was also advised that articles could be placed in the news bulletins with examples of good practice shared across EAS. If permission was given from schools, then articles from learners and pupils could be put in the news bulletin.
The Faith Representatives advised they are happy to give time, and advised the Committee that Merthyr Council are providing an RE day, with one schools making a lot of invites. The Chair made comment that the Inter-Faith Network was an interesting aspect to see how different religions are developing within Wales. SACRE could offer support to schools to develop understanding of religious diversity.
Comment was made that others who visit the schools require a DRB check, so schools need to inform SACRE of this. The Chair then advised to add an agenda point for the next meeting for on the effectiveness of SACRE and what can be developed moving forward. LP suggested that they could trial a visit in Caerleon Comprehensive with Cllr Watkins to see an assembly in action. The Chair agreed and advised letters sent from the Chair could be sent to all schools. A timetable could then be created and sent to members. PL advised that doing this would be for SACRE’s own benefit, and explained that there very good practice being shown in the Church Schools. This good practice could be shared in community schools.
The report was noted.
Add as an agenda point for the next meeting to discuss the effectiveness of SACRE and what can be done moving forward.
Send email appointments to schools regarding visits. Send list of schools that accept to the Chair/Paula to arrange a timetable for visits.
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