Agenda item

Education Achievement Service Business Plan


CAB 11/18 


Options Considered/Reasons for Decision


The Cabinet Member for Education and Skills presented the report containing the Education Achievement Service Business Plan for 2018-2021, prepared in consultation with the 5 local authorities within the consortia. The plan outlined the programme of work that was required to continue to accelerate outcomes for children and young people across all schools in the region. The plan focused on the urgent need to raise aspiration and accelerate improvement in pupil outcomes, improve the quality of teaching and leadership and build a self-improving system within and across schools and settings.


The 2018 plan was built on the previous EAS Business Plan and a robust self-evaluation system which was used to set out priorities for action.  Although this was a regional plan, it included a bespoke element to address Newport’s needs and individual schools within our City.


The focus for improvement for 2018-2019 would continue to secure improvements in the following areas:

·         To continue to raise aspiration, improve pupil outcomes, particularly for vulnerable groups of learners (FSM, Gender, EAL, MA and LAC) and reduce the variance within and across schools, settings and LAs.

·         To accelerate improvement in schools and settings where progress is too slow by ensuring a more consistent approach is applied to schools causing concern and the use of Local Authority statutory powers to accelerate progress in identified schools.

·         To continue to improve the quality of leadership, teaching and learning, particularly within the secondary phase.

·         Supporting schools to ensure the effective development of pupil skills at all phases.

·         Supporting the national approach and further development of the regional professional learning opportunities to ensure the success, equity and well-being of every learner.

·         Preparing schools to meet the curriculum and assessment demands in line with new accountability arrangements.

·         Supporting the development of a 'world-class curriculum' that will help raise standards for all in Wales.

·         To embed the regional approach to developing a self-improving system.


The Cabinet Member reported that she was confident that there were appropriate monitoring systems in place to ensure the EAS Business Plan remained on track.  The Cabinet Member would receive reports around progress towards the success criteria set out in the Business Plan at various points in the year. These would be received through JEG and Cabinet Member briefings. Elected Members from the Company Board would also receive this information. Additional reporting around EAS Value for Money reporting would be reported to the relevant scrutiny committee in June 2018.


The Leader was pleased to note the comments from the scrutiny committee from its consideration of the plan on 12 March 2018, which stated that it had no specific concerns to raise about the content of the planned activity and targets, and was satisfied that the appropriate processes were in place to monitor progress.


In commenting upon the report, Cabinet Members noted the importance of education provision and the national need for more funding in this area.  Members were pleased to note the good outcomes for looked after children in the plan. 




To receive the report for information and submit the comments above on the contents of the Business Plan as part of the consultation process. 


To note the main strengths and areas for development within Newport, as detailed in the local authority annex; and how local authority services are aligned to meet the ambitious targets within the Business Plan, therefore ensuring all pupils meet their full potential.




Chief Education Officer, Deputy Chief Education Officer, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills



Implemented By: The Education Achievement Service in partnership with the local authority

Implementation Timetable: The Business Plan and related local authority annex will commence from 1 April 2018.





The Cabinet Member for Education and Skills presented the report containing the Education Achievement Service Business Plan for 2018-2021, prepared in consultation with the 5 local authorities within the consortia. The plan outlined the programme of work that was required to continue to accelerate outcomes for children and young people across all schools in the region. The plan focused on the urgent need to raise aspiration and accelerate improvement in pupil outcomes, improve the quality of teaching and leadership and build a self-improving system within and across schools and settings.


The 2018 plan was built on the previous EAS Business Plan and a robust self-evaluation system which was used to set out priorities for action.  Although this was a regional plan, it included a bespoke element to address Newport’s needs and individual schools within our City.


The focus for improvement for 2018-2019 would continue to secure improvements in the following areas:

·         To continue to raise aspiration, improve pupil outcomes, particularly for vulnerable groups of learners (FSM, Gender, EAL, MA and LAC) and reduce the variance within and across schools, settings and LAs.

·         To accelerate improvement in schools and settings where progress is too slow by ensuring a more consistent approach is applied to schools causing concern and the use of Local Authority statutory powers to accelerate progress in identified schools.

·         To continue to improve the quality of leadership, teaching and learning, particularly within the secondary phase.

·         Supporting schools to ensure the effective development of pupil skills at all phases.

·         Supporting the national approach and further development of the regional professional learning opportunities to ensure the success, equity and well-being of every learner.

·         Preparing schools to meet the curriculum and assessment demands in line with new accountability arrangements.

·         Supporting the development of a 'world-class curriculum' that will help raise standards for all in Wales.

·         To embed the regional approach to developing a self-improving system.


The Cabinet Member reported that she was confident that there were appropriate monitoring systems in place to ensure the EAS Business Plan remained on track.  The Cabinet Member would receive reports around progress towards the success criteria set out in the Business Plan at various points in the year. These would be received through JEG and Cabinet Member briefings. Elected Members from the Company Board would also receive this information. Additional reporting around EAS Value for Money reporting would be reported to the relevant scrutiny committee in June 2018.


The Leader was pleased to note the comments from the scrutiny committee from its consideration of the plan on 12 March 2018, which stated that it had no specific concerns to raise about the content of the planned activity and targets, and was satisfied that the appropriate processes were in place to monitor progress.


In commenting upon the report, Cabinet Members noted the importance of education provision and the national need for more funding in this area.  Members were pleased to note the good outcomes for looked after children in the plan. 




To receive the report for information and submit the comments above on the contents of the Business Plan as part of the consultation process. 


To note the main strengths and areas for development within Newport, as detailed in the local authority annex; and how local authority services are aligned to meet the ambitious targets within the Business Plan, therefore ensuring all pupils meet their full potential.

Supporting documents: