Agenda item

Decision Schedule










Additional Comments



Rothbury House, 10, Stow Park Circle, Newport, NP20 4HE


Change of use of building to 7no. bedroom guesthouse, ground floor restaurant, orangery side extension, demolition and replacement of outbuilding, car parking and landscaping.

Stow Hill

Cllrs Forsey and White queried adequate parking facility.  The Principal Engineer confirmed that the new parking arrangements met parking standard with the provision of 21 spaces.  Staff parking had been taken into consideration.


Cllr Mogford mentioned that the building had been derelict for 10 years and it would deteriorate further if it was not developed.


Cllr Clarke considered that there were no further issues as the parking provision had been resolved .

Cllr White referred to the Orangery which was not on the previous plans.  The West Area Development Manager agreed that the Orangery was new, however there were no objections by the planning officers to this additional structure.




Public Speakers: Mrs Dunn (against), Mr Gray (Agent) and Councillor Whitcutt (Ward Member)


Site visit proposed.  Reason for site visit: To allow Members to understand amenity issues including parking and access issues which existed in the area.


Voting: Five in favour, one against.



Land To Rear of and Including 1 And 3, Llanthewy Road, Newport


Reserved matters application (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) relating to phase 1 (construction of 4No 2 bedroom residential units over ground floor garages and associated works) of permission 14/0022 (variation of conditions 2 and 3 of permission 11/1017 for residential development).


Cllr Ferris considered that the plans were not as aesthetically pleasing as previously proposed.

Cllr White queried the dimensions on the garage which was provided as the access and egress looked narrow.  The measurements however were considered acceptable.



Voting: Unanimous


Queens Hill Education Centre, Queens Hill, Newport, NP20 5XN


Variation of standard condition b to extend time period for submission of reserved matter in respect of planning permission 14/0386 for residential development of up to 92 dwellings, formation of new access, open space, landscaping, parking for existing residents and facilities for st marys roman catholic primary school (outline with access submitted for consideration) together with demolition of existing school buildings.


The West Area Development Manager reminded Committee that the officers recommendation was that the application be granted.


Cllr Forsey queried whether the development would go ahead.  The West Area Development Manager confirmed the site was allocated in the LDP.


Cllr Mogford queried the potential problems with increased traffic which was considered a real concern.  The Principal Engineer had considered the transport assessment.


Cllr White queried the possibility of an extra condition to be put in place for the side road which was previously accessible to the primary school be re-opened to ease traffic during school drop-off and pick-up.  This was outside the scope of Planning, however as it was a general concern, the matter would be forwarded to estates to voice the Committee’s concerns.


Granted with conditions


Public Speaking: Councillor D Fouweather (Ward Member)


Voting: Four in favour, two against.


Crindau Pill Flood Alleviation Scheme, Evans Street, Newport


Variation of condition 01 of planning permission 15/0078

for proposed new raised flood defences to reposition

sheet pile wall and engineer river bank.


Chair of Planning mentioned that access to the river was an aspiration to bring canals back into use. 

Cllr Ferris asked if the flora and fauna was affected.  An appropriate assessment had been undertaken and the plans were considered acceptable.




Voting: Unanimous


Underwood Community Facility, The Acorns, Llanmartin, Newport, NP18 2EQ


Change of use from leisure centre to mixed use community and conference facility to include ancillary residential suites and caretaker accommodation together with external alterations (resubmission).





Voting: Unanimous