Agenda item

Questions to the Leader of the Council

To provide an opportunity for Councillors to ask questions to the Leader of the Council in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders.




No more than 15 minutes will be allocated at the Council meeting for questions to the Leader of the Council.


The question must be addressed through the Mayor or the person presiding at the meeting and not directly to the person being questioned.


Leader’s Announcements


In answer to the first question from the Mayor, the Leader made the following announcements:


-       Congratulations were offered to Newport AFC on their FA cup success and the draw against Spurs.  The Leader highlighted the work done with the club and Newport Now in turning the city ‘black and amber’ in the run up to the game, and offered best wishes for the upcoming rematch.

-       The recent announcement that the city would be hosting a leg of the World Series of Boxing in 2018, alongside Gateshead and Liverpool.

-       The recent success of the City Summit event.

-       The ongoing consultations for the city centre masterplan, and the wellbeing plan, in which Members were urged to take part.

-       New details of the plans for Chartist Tower, as announced by Garrison Barclay Estates.

-       Details of the recent Severn Growth Summit, attended by the Leader, Chief Executive, and Strategic Director – Place.

-       The in principle support confirmed by Welsh Government following the Council’s bid to the 21st century schools programme.


Newport Market


Councillor Matthew Evans asked when the Leader had last met with traders at Newport Market, and whether the Leader was aware of the current petition started by traders at the Market, asking for stall rent reductions and improved facilities.


The Leader outlined the current arrangements in place for regular meetings between the traders, relevant cabinet members, and supporting officers.  The Leader highlighted the work being done to regenerate and reinvigorate the Market building, and was disappointed to hear about the petition in light of the regular communication and close working with the trader representatives.  The Leader agreed that the matter would be investigated further to respond to the concerns raised by the petition.


Newport High School


Councillor Jan Cleverly asked what was being done in response to the recent Estyn inspection of Newport High School, and more generally to broaden representation on governing bodies. 


The Leader explained the measures in place to respond to the Estyn inspection report, including putting a senior officer in place to chair the governing body and address the issues raised in the inspection.


In response to Councillor Cleverly’s supplementary question highlighting some specific incidents at the school, the Leader agreed to raise these examples with the Chief Education Officer for further investigation. 


Full Time University Courses


Councillor Carmel Townsend asked whether the Council was in dialogue with the University of South Wales to ask that the number of full time courses offered at the city campus could be increased.


The Leader confirmed that regular discussions were held with the University, but not on this specific subject.  The Leader agreed to set up a meeting to discuss this point, to which Councillor Townsend would be invited.


Dark Fibre Bid


In response to a question from Councillor Laura Lacey, the Leader confirmed that the bid to develop the dark fibre network would be discussed at the next Cardiff Capital Region Cabinet meeting on 12 February.  This network would provide the next generation of high speed data transfer, and if successful would transform digital connectivity across the region. 


Looked After Children


In response to a question from Councillor Malcolm Linton, the Leader confirmed that numbers of looked after children in the city were increasing in line with national trends.  While this was placing additional pressure on local social work teams, colleagues were working across Gwent to bring those numbers down and ensure pressures were managed.