Agenda item

Review of Fees and Revenue Estimates for 2018/19


The Finance Business Partner referred to the above report which proposed a cremation fee increasing from 1 April 2018.


The Committee was informed that there had been a slight amendment to the figures and new copies were distributed.  The new figures related to the employee cost, this had no impact on the income.


The suggested fee increase was 2%, this was projected to increase revenues by £29,000.


In addition, the budget due to be announced at Council would show that there would be a surplus of £750K.  This took into account the anticipated decrease in cremations, predicting a loss of income due to new Crematorium recently opened in Llanwern.  This was only a precautionary measure, projecting the decline in bookings year on year and was a minimum distribution requirement that would see the Crematorium’s finances in good stead for a while.


The Chair also considered that there might be cause for concern with the new Crematorium and asked the Committee to give careful consideration to the increase in fees.


Councillor Williams (MBCB) felt that the Committee was led to believe that the new Crematorium would not affect the income of the Gwent Crematorium. 


Discussion ensued regarding the decrease in figures, this was highlighted in the Manger’s Report (item 6), showing that December 2017 saw a considerable drop in bookings.


The Committee, Head of Finance and Superintendent Registrar would monitor the figures continually and see if there was a significant decrease after 12 months.


S Tom, Association of Funeral Directors advised the Committee that the death rate in Llanwern was also down for the month of December, again, this would have to be monitored on a monthly basis rather than speculating on why there was a significant decline in bookings.


The Committee was notified that the medical referee requested an increase to £20.  This had not been changed since 2006 and would see an increase of £2.  The Superintendent Paul explained that the medical referee’s role was a direct recommendation by the Department of Justice to review any medical forms, ensuring that they had been completed correctly; the medical referee had the power to request a further examination or stop a cremation from being carried out.  This role however would only exist for 12 months and was due for review by Central Government.


Councillor Davies said that it was a private sector that was benefitting from the cremation services in Llanwern and that the Committee but needed to be mindful of how it could impact on the Gwent Crematorium in the future.


The Chair, referred to the limitations of the Gwent Crematorium and that consideration should be given as to where the excess funding could be spent.


Finally, the Superintendent Registrar also referred to the cut-off age range point for children which was 16 years and suggested that it be increased to 18 years.  There was a concession for children and because the frequency of services within the 16-18 year age range was negligible, it was felt that the age range should allow for the extra two years.  The Committee unanimously agreed the increase the age to 18 years.



That the fee increase would be raised to 2% for 2018/19.

That the medical referee fee be increased by £2.

That the age range be extended from 16 to 18 years for government concession.


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