Agenda item

Quarter 4 23/24 Corporate Risk Register Update


1.1          The Head of People, Policy and Transformation introduced the report.  Overall, there were 9 Severe risks (risk scores 15 to 25); 6 Major risks (risk scores 7 to 14); that are outlined in the report. In comparison to the Quarter 3 corporate risk register, one new risk (WCCIS Replacement) was added to the Corporate Risk Register, one risk (Delivery of the Internal Audit plan) was de-escalated from the Corporate Risk Register.  All remaining risks did not change score.


1.2          In addition, the training carried out with Committee members on what risk looked like would be revisited in light of the recent changes to membership.  The report looked at the system in place and how risks were managed but did not provide the detail of the risks and mitigation, which would be discussed at Cabinet under the governance framework.  The dates within the risk register had previously been queried by the Committee, therefore current service plans were being closed and ended on 31 March.  By the next risk register these were expected to be reviewed.


1.3          The Performance and Programme Manager addressed the Highways Risk which was being presented under the Highways Asset Management Plan to Performance Scrutiny Committee – Place and Corporate: the Scrutiny Committee would be made aware of the comments of the Governance and Audit Committee.  In addition, with reference to the Housing Risk, The Performance and Programme Manager had spoken with the Head of Housing and Communities who advised that some policies were taking longer to be implemented as they needed to be approved by Welsh Government.


1.4          Reference was made to the replacement of the WCCIS social services system, which had been rolled out nationally in Wales and was considered a risk as it was used by so many organisations and local authorities. The Performance and Programme Manager confirmed that LA’s under the Gwent region were looking at potential alternatives and this would then be submitted via Welsh Government for potential support with funding so further decisions at a high level would be required.


Comments of Committee Members:


1.5          Mr Reed referred to the challenges of balancing the medium-term budget.  In the risk mitigation action plan, nothing was noted as going forward, however, the risk carried on over future years. Mr Reed queried whether there were any further plans being developed or whether this would be developed in the next financial year. 


1.6          The Head of Finance advised the Committee that there would be something in place with the risk register to advise on the position.  The Council was developing a transformation plan and to be presented to Cabinet and Council in the near future. 


1.7          The Performance and Programme Manager added that all actions and risks would be reviewed and for 2024/25, the finance team would be included in the medium-term financial plan process.



1.8          Councillor M Howells referred to pressures on Adult Services and reflected that the changes in both the Director for Social Services and Head of Adult Services should be factored in.


1.9          The Head of People, Policy and Transformation advised that both recruitments were completed, and the Head of Service would be in place before the Director left as it was considered important to have this handover period as part of mitigation against the changes in these key posts.


1.10       Councillor Jordan asked for more details on the decrease of the risk in Q3 for Education.  The Performance and Programme Manager explained that this was a service risk, to do with placements but this was not part of the reports considered by the Governance and Audit Committee.



1.11       Mr Reed referred to pressure on housing and homelessness which was an area of huge concern.  Would it be in the Committee’s remit to request a report on this. The Head of People, Policy and Transformation advised that it would be a matter for scrutiny who were considering performance in this area in July.  The outcomes of the discussion from the Performance Scrutiny Committee – Place and Corporate could be circulated to Governance and Audit Committee for information.


1.12       The Chair considered 18 months was a short timescale to get a replacement the WCCIS system in place and felt that an All-Wales system would be far more beneficial providing easier access to Local Authorities and Health Boards.  The Performance and Programme Manager noted the comments and would provide feedback to Social Services, who would in turn update the Committee, however this was a decision that would be agreed at Cabinet.


1.13       The Head of People, Policy and Transformation also added that Newport City Council was part of a Shared Resource Service with three other LAs, which was an advantage in considering potential replacement systems.


1.14       The Chair asked if there was a budget allocation for this.  The Head of People, Policy and Transformation would look into this.


1.15       The Chair asked was this a potential risk or a real risk.  The Head of People, Policy and Transformation agreed that this was a real risk.


1.16       Councillor Horton advised it was not Cabinet Members in the plural when referring to Social Services but single Cabinet Member.  This paper had however been prepared before the Council Annual General Meeting and the respective changes that took place the previous week.




1.17       The Governance and Audit Committee was asked to consider the contents of this report and assess the risk management arrangements for the Authority, providing any additional commentary and/or recommendations to the Cabinet.

1.18       The Governance and Audit Committee would be issued with the outcomes of the Performance Scrutiny Committee – Place and Corporate in relation to Homelessness and Housing.


Supporting documents: