30 minutes is allocated for questions to the Gwent Police representative.
The Presiding Member introduced Superintendent J White of Gwent Police, who provided Council Members with an update on police issues within East, West, and Central Newport.
The Presiding Member invited the Leader to address Superintendent White.
The Leader was pleased that further street safety funding had been made available, which would make a huge difference to the community.
The Leader asked for assurance that officer support would be available in the city centre during the festive period.
Supt White stated that officer numbers had been doubled in the city centre in the last four weeks on a Friday and Saturday night to increase visibility. The service is in contact with partners such as Pub Watch, Licensing and landlords, and community support officers were starting their shifts earlier in the evening to provide support. Supt White was also looking at a triage service for matters that could be dealt with alternatively to using police resources. Going forward, Supt White felt that the police were in a very good place to manage the additional pressures associated with this period.
Additionally, the Leader asked what advice the police could give to ward members on how to report incidents.
Supt White urged residents that if there was an emergency to dial 999. The 101 service had improved dramatically, with Gwent being the best performing force in the country in terms of handling calls. The police website lists the local neighbourhood teams, for reporting localised issues, such as anti-social behaviour concerns. There are also social media channels, which are monitored 24/7. Face-to-face services are available at Newport Central Polce Station.
Questions to the Police raised by Councillors:
§ Councillor Evans explained the role of a PCSOs, who provided key support in community policing. Councillor Evans wanted assurance that Newport communities were not disadvantaged by a freeze on the recruitment of PCSO’s.
Supt White agreed on the importance of PCSOs and assured Councillor Evans that there are good levels of PCSO support in place. Based on needs and demands they would be placed in the community where needed.
§ Councillor Harvey referred to an issue last week where a dispersal order was put in place in Ringland. Residents were concerned and. Councillor Harvey therefore requested a public meeting with the police and residents.
Supt White would speak to the inspector to understand the issue and would make every effort to arrange a public meeting.
§ Councillor Adan referred to cannabis factories in abandoned and disused buildings on Commercial Street and asked how this could be prevented.
Supt White noted that the local inspector for the city centre sat on a task group with other officers from the Council including the City Centre Manager. Supt White asked for an up-to-date database of all premises within the city centre to find out who the landlords and tenants of these premises were, as well as the activities in each of the premises to ensure that they were lawful.
§ On behalf of the allotment holders in St Julians Councillor Hourahine thanked Supt White for the donation of the high-quality fertilizer and compost, which was as a result of a recent drug raid.
§ Councillor Mogford referred to e-scooters and e-bikes and was concerned about young people using these modes of transport. Supt White advised that police tactics, are used proportionately to the offense.
§ Councillor Cocks referred to the 7.5 tonne weight limit ignored by HGV drivers driving through Caerleon, and asked could measures be put in place to prevent this. Supt White would get in touch with the local policing team to put some action in place.
§ Councillor Morris referred to e-bikes and asked was there any way that suppliers of these products could be stopped at source. Supt White mentioned that Trading Standards needed to play an active part, and amended regulatory powers would be welcomed.
§ Councillor Forsey thanked PCSOs for attending police surgeries in Rogerstone, which were useful for residents and councillors to raise issues. Supt White would pass on Councillor Forsey’s thanks.
§ Councillor Reynolds echoed Councillor Forsey’s thanks and thanked the police regarding an incident at a care home for young people where he worked.