Agenda item

Strategic Asset Rationalisation Plan 2023-28

a)    Officer presentation

b)    Committee questioning and discussion

c)     Formation of comments and recommendations


Invitees:   Rhys Cornwall (Strategic Director Transformation and Corporate)
Tracy McKim (Head of People, Policy and Transformation)
Sarah Davies (Head of Asset Management and Valuation – Newport Norse)
Daniel Cooke (Property Manager)
Councillor Laura Lacey (Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Assets)

The Head of People, Policy and Transformation (PPT) introduced the report. The Head of Asset Management for Newport Norse gave a presentation on the Newport City Council (NCC) estate.

The following was discussed:

·       The Committee felt the Plan clearly stated its ambition to achieve net zero in NCC buildings as soon as possible. The Strategic Director informed Committee of the draft decarbonisation policy, which would form part of the overarching Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP).

·       The Committee asked whether funding opportunities arose from Climate Change projects. The Strategic Director informed the Committee that the team are effective in obtaining funding and Newport received significant funding from the Welsh Government. The Strategic Director informed the Committee that there was a large amount grant funding available, but that it wasn’t the prime source of funding and was driven by the 2030 target date for Newport becoming net zero.

·       The Committee felt that the Plan was clear and concise and queried what happened under the previous Plan. The Head of PPT informed the Committee that the previous SAMP was dated and didn't reflect the impact of the pandemic. They informed the Committee that comments could be included regarding the previous SAMP in the Cabinet report. They informed Committee that this item would be considered by Cabinet in May and reported annually thereafter. The Strategic Director agreed that a review of the previous SAMP would be provided to Committee. The Cabinet Member informed Committee that the Asset Rationalisation Programme is discussed in monthly briefings. They agreed that the Plan was clear and concise but appreciated its complexity and reassured Committee of its’ continuous review to ensure it is fit for purpose. They agreed that the previous Plan should be considered in the development of the new Plan.

·       The Committee felt that comments and recommendations made on the previous Plan should be reflected upon and fed back to the Committee.

·       The Committee asked how the Plan would work in practice and were unsure how the target date of 2026 would be reached. The Head of PPT clarified that the Plan would set out the principles on the way of working but there was also an annual schedule of works to achieve this target. They highlighted that delivery would be monitored through Service Plans and could be included in the annual SAMP report but there was work underway to modify the scheme of delegation and Constitution to ensure alignment with the Plan.


  • The Committee thanked Officers for the clear and concise presentation of the report and its policies.
  • The Committee requested an information report to summarise the previous actions and outcomes under the 2018 SAMP. They also felt that this information needed to be referenced in the 2024-28 Plan to provide background information and context. The Committee requested information as to what the previous recommendations under the 2018 Plan were and whether they were implemented.
  • The Committee recommended that the Plan be presented to Scrutiny on an annual basis and should include an Annual Delivery Plan.


Supporting documents: