Agenda item

Bassaleg Bridge


The Leader presented to Cabinet colleagues, the next report in relation to Bassaleg Bridge. The report provided background on the work undertaken since the structural defects in the bridge were identified, and the details and outcomes of an options appraisal exercise undertaken.


The report was for noting the need for a new structure, to agree that Option 3, being an offline replacement of the bridge, but in close proximity, was the preferred option and to agree and note the Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance (WelTAG) assessment required to assist with this and help in securing external funding.


Bassaleg Bridge suffered scour damage which resulted in an emergency closure. Following this closure, stabilisation works was undertaken, and the bridge was opened to pedestrians. Since that time, unfortunately, due to the condition of the bridge, it was concluded that work to repair and rehabilitate the structure was not possible.


On that basis, officers looked at a number of options to deal with this issue and was seeking to progress an option that would see the replacement of the existing bridge with a new bridge in the immediate vicinity of the existing bridge.


Clearly this was not an easy or quick task, nor was it a low-cost option and the costs identified at this early stage of £5.6M - £9M far outstripped the Council’s available resources. Officers engaged with Welsh Government were advised that their “Resilient Roads” funding stream could be used to bid for funding to commence design and other preparatory works on a replacement bridge.


Welsh Government advised that any bid for funding should be accompanied by a Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance assessment, and this would be progressed to enable a bid to be made.


The Council fully appreciated the disruption to the residents of Forge Mews that the ongoing closure of the bridge to vehicles was having on them. The Council engaged with residents since the initial closure of the bridge and the subsequent reopening to pedestrians. Pedestrian access continued to be maintained and the structure monitored to ensure it was safe for this purpose and emergency access has also been maintained since this time.  This would continue while the Council made progress on the replacement bridge. Residents were advised of the current position and plans, and they would continually be informed as progress was made.


Comments of Cabinet Members:


§  Councillor Lacey was pleased that the report was presented to Cabinet and wanted to reiterate the cost position. Taking this into account, it was right for the Infrastructure team to monitor the movement over a significant period of time, working with consultants and external agents to rule out work to be done. The Council was now looking to seek funding of £40,000 to provide the WelTAG assessment for Welsh Government in order to apply for the funding. Councillor Lacey therefore fully supported Option 3 within the report.


§  Councillor Clarke echoed the comments of his cabinet colleagues and fully supported the report.





1.      Noted the need for a new structure and agreed that Option 3, outlined in the report was the preferred option.

2.      Agreed and noted the WelTAG assessment required to assist in the above and to assist in securing external funding.

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