Agenda item

Climate Change- Support for Community Councils

Verbal Presentation.


The Climate Change Officer presented a number of opportunities for communities. The Climate Change Officer stated that two networks were being reinstated. The Climate Change Officer informed the committee that the first network was the Newport Environment Network which has the core principles of accessible dedicated green spaces for residents in Newport. The Climate Change Officer stated that the previous network had a wide range of members and when surveyed there was a great sense that people were still keen to be involved.

The Climate Change Officer stated that they wished to promote the Network out to more people and noted that they would be very appreciative of the Community Council Representatives encouraging participation in their wards. The Climate Change Officer noted that the creation of the Networks was to create a space that enabled joint working and encouraged involvement in projects.

The Climate Change Officer stated that they were aiming to support quarterly meetings with an in person launch event which will be advertised when confirmed.

The Climate Change Officer informed the Community Council Representatives that the second Network was new and brings together Newport Climate Champions. The Climate Change Officer explained that this network has a similar goal to the Newport Environment Network but with a broader remit, focusing on all groups interested in taking Climate Action. The Climate Change Officer noted that the Network would also be a space to connect and network whilst providing a link to the Council to discuss concerns.

The Climate Change Officer stated that there was no commitment required to attend either Networks but noted that they wished for the participation of as many people as possible. The Climate Change Officer noted that there would be quarterly meetings and a launch event for this Network as well.

The Climate Change Officer highlighted some opportunities that could be taken up by residents depending on their eligibility including the ECO4 Flex free energy efficiency upgrades, the Great British Insulation Scheme, Community Decarbonisation, and further EV chargers.

A Community Councillor queried whether the energy efficiency grants were only available to those on benefits. The Councillor noted that for many rural communities the houses are in a high Council Tax band and queried what could be done to support those people who may also be struggling financially.

-          The Climate Change Officer stated that each scheme has their own eligibility criteria and noted that one was based on Council Tax bands and that another was based on the Energy efficiency rating of the property.

-          The Climate Change Officer stated that the ECO4 Flex energy efficiency upgrades had a different criterion that was not relating to Council Tax.

The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager queried whether the Climate Change Officer wished for the Community Councils to put forward representatives for these networks.

-          The Climate Change Officer stated that they would be happy for the engagement from Community Councils and Residents or whoever wished to get in touch. 

A Community Council Representative queried whether there would be any consultation with Community Councillors in regard to the Green Spaces.

-          The Climate Change Officer noted that she could attend communities to do a presentation but noted that primarily the Networks are for the engagement of everyone.

-          A Community Council Representative queried whether their views would be considered as there had been previous history of local knowledge not being taken on from Climate Champions in the past.

-          The Climate Change Officer informed the Community Council Representatives that this was the aim of the Networks and that the information and ideas were to come from the communities themselves and highlighted the importance of their comments.

The Climate Change Officer explained that they would be offering surveys for peoples input into improving carbon emissions and added that the Council may then be able to fund some of those works.

The Climate Change Officer informed the committee that they were expanding the EV Charging network and that further funding from the Welsh Government had been used to install 9 additional chargers with a plan on installing a further 6. The Climate Change Officer noted that there officers that would be able to address any EV-related questions or concerns or feedback if they wished to get in touch.

A Community Council Representative queried whether the Building Surveys could be done on a building that was owned by Newport City Council.

-          The Climate Change Officer noted that this would have to be looked into as there are planned energy efficiency upgrades on many buildings owned by Newport City Council.

-          A Community Council Representative queried whether this would include a Village Hall.

-          The Climate Change Officer stated it would and highlighted the correct contact details for that issue.

The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager concluded by thanking the Climate Change Officer and highlighting the actions going forward.

-          The Governance Officer was to share the slides from the meeting to the Community Councils.

-          The Community Councils were to get in contact with the Climate Change Officer if they wished for her to attend a meeting and presenting further information.

-          A list of upcoming events was to be shared once confirmed.

-          Further information on the Building Surveys was to be shared with the Community Councils.