The Presiding Member invited the Leader to present the first report on the agenda, the Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) Preferred Strategy and sought Council’s approval to endorse the Preferred Strategy and commence the formal community consultation in October.
This recommendation is in line with the timeline included in the Revised Delivery Agreement previously approved by Council and confirmed by the Welsh Government in January 2023.
Having an up to date and fit for purpose Local Development Plan is not only important for seeing the city grow and prosper up until 2036 but is also a statutory requirement.
The Preferred Strategy is a formal stage in the development of a new Local Development Plan and the purpose of the Preferred Strategy outlines a suggested approach to new development, future growth, and conservation.
Newport has been identified as a National Growth Area in Future Wales: The National Plan 2040. This was the top tier of the Development Plan for planning purposes and all local level plans; including our Local Development Plan, needed to be in accordance with the national plan.
A public consultation on the Growth and Spatial Options has been conducted and the responses received were used to inform the proposed Preferred Strategy. 68 consultation responses were received from a wide array of stakeholders. These consultation responses and the proposed responses were considered by Cabinet on 13 September and the recommendations were approved.
Alongside the consultation responses received, a considerable amount of background evidence and reports, were used to inform the Preferred Strategy.
To formally progress a Preferred Strategy, further formal consultation is required. The regulations state that this should be for a minimum of six weeks, however it was proposed that the consultation would begin in October and run for eight weeks. The consultation plan included various methods of engagement and exercises to reach as wide an audience as possible.
The Place and Corporate Scrutiny Committee considered the Preferred Strategy and the proposals on 11 September. There was a positive discussion on this matter and the Committee were content to endorse the public consultation exercise. The Leader welcomed the request from Committee members that careful consideration be given on how to promote and raise awareness of the consultation.
A target of facilitating the development of 570 new homes and the creation of 8,640 new jobs is set under the Preferred Strategy. With this level of growth, Newport will be a destination where people want to live, work and visit.
To deliver this growth, it was proposed that a hybrid spatial strategy is adopted. This would focus on Previously Developed Land as well as acknowledging that some greenfield land within and adjoining settlements, would be required along with some smaller developments in villages. Details of proposed key sites of 300+ dwellings are outlined in the strategy.
This strategy is for consultation, views and opinions of all stakeholders are welcomed. All responses will be considered in detail and used to inform the Deposit Plan which will be brought back to Council around this time next year.
The report was seconded by Councillor Clarke.
Comments from Councillors:
§ Councillor Evans supported the proposal for consultation and noted that there were applications within the Allt-yr-Yn Ward to build on green belt land. Councillor Evans felt that building on green belt land should be a last resort and asked if members could receive information on their own ward.
§ Councillor D Davies supported the proposal, adding that the 2021 census demonstrated that Newport is a maturing city and is becoming an attractive place to settle. More housing is needed to sustain the thriving economy.
§ Councillor Clarke mentioned that as Cabinet Member, he was responsible for Planning and was happy to endorse the report. Adopting a new LDP is no different to the planning applications process and it is vital to gather people’s views. Councillor Clarke considered the positive response levels with nearly 70 responses to the growth options consultation from the community. These responses had shaped the strategy presented to Council. Councillor Clarke attended the Performance Scrutiny Committee - Place and welcomed the positive feedback. Councillor Clarke thanked officers for their considerable work and was confident that the strategy was suitably ambitious whilst remaining achievable.
Council approved the Preferred Strategy consultation paper provided in Appendix A and commenced with formal community consultation.
Supporting documents: