Agenda item

Annual Report

Verbal Report


The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager covered the key points via the use of presentation slides which would be sent out to all members.

Community Councils must discharge their new duties including the requirement to prepare and publish an annual report which came into effect on 1st April 2022.Section 52 of the 2021 Act requires community councils, as soon as reasonably practicable after the end of each financial year, to prepare and publish an annual report about the council’s priorities, activities and achievements over the previous year.

There is support across the sector and from the public for increasing the visibility of the work of community councils. This is to encourage communities to take an interest in what their councils do and to have easy access to information about the council’s work.

An independent review panel of community and town councils cited a lack of visibility of community councils’ activities. The panel found there was a significant need to increase awareness of the existence of community councils and their work within their communities, as well as a need for councils to engage with communities when making decisions.

Annual reports should provide information that strengthens the accountability of the council and increases transparency of the work undertaken. The annual report should be a proactive means of sharing information about the council’s priorities, activities, and achievements.

The Community Councillors noted they had started to compile their report.

-          The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager confirmed that a training plan could be shared in the report rather than a list of who had completed what training.

The Community Council Community Councillors queried whether they could include the lack of response by the police in their report.

-          The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager highlighted the reported should be factual and based on the Community Council rather than other organisations, but perhaps they could note positive steps taken forward to deal with any issues they have faced.

-          The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager highlighted It was important to work constructively as well as noting constructive criticism as a learning outcome.

The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager noted to the meeting that lessons learned should be concerned with the Community Council rather than other services.

The Marshfield Community Councillor questioned whether need to publish their report in Welsh. The Graig Community Councillor noted that the website states that on request a report can be provided in Welsh although this has never occurred.

-          The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager highlighted they will look specifically into this.


The Graig Community Councillor asked whether the report is produced by a single person and then approved by the Community Council. The Graig Community Councillor questioned whether Committees need to also publish paper reports as well as putting them on their website.


-          The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager informed the member that this was correct, but the report is likely to be made up of a number of documents brought together that may have different authors.

The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager highlighted that the important part of the report is that it is approved by their respective Community Council as a documented item of business at a CC meeting. The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager confirmed this was not the case, publishing on the website was sufficient to meet the legislative requirements.

The Bishton Community Councillor highlighted the finance reports aren’t user friendly as they can be difficult to read.



Democratic and Electoral Services Manager to confirm duties regarding Welsh Language and the Annual Report.

All Community Councils to finalise their draft reports and consider them at a Council meeting. Final reports to be published on Community Council websites following CC meeting.