Agenda item

Director of Social Services Annual Report


The Leader introduced the Director of Social Services Annual report to Cabinet.


The Strategic Director, as the designated Director for Social Services, confirmed their statutory duty under the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 and the amended Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016, to produce an annual report to the Council.


In line with the above, the report set out the personal assessment of the Director of Social Services’ performance of Social Services in delivering social care functions during the preceding 12 months.


At the time of the report, the guidance as to the format of the report was being considered in consultation with Welsh Government. The report covered the period of 2022/2023, and the Director incorporated a mixture of case studies and examples from staff to demonstrate the work of Social Services.


During this period, the restructured Senior Management team was embedded in the service. The delivery of social care during 2022/2023 was profoundly impacted by work to recover from the covid pandemic, followed by the cost-of-living issues.


Despite the significant issues and challenges of 2022/2023, the Director of Social Services was satisfied that the Council continued to comply with its statutory duties.


The Leader was pleased to note that despite the difficulties of 2022/2023, social services staff were able to look beyond the relentless demands and delivered innovation, continued development of services and excellence.


Comments of Cabinet Members:


§  Councillor Hughes thanked the Corporate Director for Social Services for producing the report, along with all those that contributed including the Performance Scrutiny Committee – People, for their input. Councillor Hughes remarked that this had been the most challenging year for social care, with the repercussions of Covid, and demands on services increasing, whilst budget and workforce challenges were faced nationally. Despite this, Councillor Hughes felt that Newport remained innovative and committed to transforming services, whilst being focussed on prevention and inclusion and collaboration with partners, as well as the wellbeing of staff. Councillor Hughes ruminated that the key element of Social Services was to support residents at home for as long as they were able, which ranged from children staying home with their families to supporting adults to live independently and supporting hospital discharge. The demand for care and support against a backdrop of budget cuts meant that it was a difficult time for staff, third party and the voluntary sector dealing with national issues such as the cost-of-living crisis.  Councillor Hughes highlighted that the report gave several examples of where Newport is leading the way and being recognised nationally for their outstanding contribution to social care. Councillor Hughes confirmed that the Council had gained Carer Accreditation and thanked Councillor Cockeram in his contribution towards this achievement. Councillor Hughes also referred to the Smart Hub in Newport Indoor Market as another example of innovation in using technology to support care and help to keep residents out of hospitals. Councillor Hughes also highlighted Oakland House, which gained national recognition for the outstanding work that they undertake and felt that the families and carers involved also deserved praise.  Councillor Hughes also took the opportunity to thank the Leader and colleagues, especially Councillor Marshall, for their commitment to the social care agenda. Councillor Hughes felt that the strength of the service lay in the passion and commitment of the 870 staff, who are a great team and deserve thanks.  Councillor Hughes confirmed that the priority of the Council’s Corporate Plan was to look after staff, as few people understood the complexities of work in social care and the impact on staff and their families. Councillor Hughes remarked that Social Services have great partner agencies and a caring voluntary sector in the city. In these challenging times Councillor Hughes said that he was proud of the service and again thanked Sally-Ann Jenkins, Corporate Director for Social Services, and the leadership team for everything they had accomplished this year.


§  Councillor Marshall also thanked the Corporate Director for Social Services for a comprehensive report. Councillor Marshall mentioned that the Council had an excellent dedicated team led by an effective Director.  The Cabinet Member for Social Services highlighted a few points from his portfolio, which was supporting children to remain safely with their families, looking at preventative work undertaken as a local authority, effective partnerships, foster care, and the support of organisations such as Barnardo’s and other partners. Councillor Marshall went on to say that the awards outlined in the report were a true testament to the department. Councillor Marshall remarked that although it had been a difficult 12 months, Social Services were taking a transformational approach to services and as undertaking exciting future projects using grant funding. Councillor Marshall cited projects such as the redevelopment of supervised family services of Cwtch, and the enhancement of rapid response as examples of radical reform.


§  Leader thanked the Cabinet Members for Social Services for their stewardship and the report itself; she stated that this was incredibly informative, and the case studies worked well to outline the work being undertaken. The Leader considered that this report showed the true value of the efforts of the teams across Social Services. The Leader also mentioned the hard work of carers and the role they played across the city, as well as all volunteers for their valued contribution, particularly as it was Carer’s Week.  Overall, it was pleasing to note that despite challenges, staff looked beyond immediate demand and continued to develop services. The Leader thanked the Corporate Director for her guidance and leadership.






1.      Noted the annual report of the Director of Social Services.

2.      Commented on the content of the annual report of the Director of Social Services.

Supporting documents: