The next item on the agenda introduced by the Leader was the presentation of the Annual Report of the Director of Social Services.
The Strategic Director, as the designated Director for Social Services, had a statutory duty under the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 and as amended by the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 to produce an annual report to the Council.
The report must set out the personal assessment of our Director of Social Services of the performance of Social Services in delivering its social care functions during the preceding 12 months.
This report covered the period of 2021 to 2022 and was laid out in the format within the prescribed guidance.
The Leader Invited the Strategic Director for Social Services to say a few words.
The Director of Social Services mentioned the hard work of the staff how continued to deliver their service to vulnerable citizens despite the challenging circumstances. We should have nothing but pride in colleagues and the work they delivered. The Strategic Director thanked the Leader for the opportunity to speak.
During this period the Council had seen a restructuring of our Senior Management team and the appointment of a permanent Director of Social Services. The delivery of social care during 2021 2022 was of course profoundly impacted firstly by covid and the restrictions of the pandemic closely followed by the beginning of the emerging cost of living issues.
The Leader also added that staff across all of Social Services continued to deliver the majority of provisions face to face while embracing the benefits of hybrid working in certain key areas. The learning of this way of working continued to improve and enhance practice.
Comments of Cabinet Members:
· Councillor Hughes noted that the report was retrospective and wished Chris Humphries a happy retirement. Social services had an exceptional management team who met the challenges of the pandemic as well as the structural changes they were facing. The service area continued to keep residents of Newport safe, and the Cabinet Member therefore felt this report highlighted their finest hour. Social Services would continue to see unprecedented demands and the staff were a credit to the city. Councillor Hughes also thanked Councillor Cockeram, the former Cabinet Member as well as Sally-Ann Jenkins, the Strategic Director for Social Services and acknowledged her hard work and contribution across the city.
· Councillor Marshall thanked the Leader for the extra financial support in relation to the changes that took place during the time of the report. The Cabinet Member for Social Services felt that the Leader was right to highlight the proud innovations in the service, such as baby and me, which showed practice work within Newport. The report was clear, detailed open and transparent and thanked director, manager and all staff in their willingness to help others during covid, ensuring vital services were maintained whilst remaining innovational.
The Leader thanked all staff for their hard work and continued care.
That Cabinet:
a) Noted the annual report of the Director of Social Services.
b) Commented on the content of the annual report of the Director of Social Services.
Supporting documents: