The Leader introduced the report updating members on the Gwent Wellbeing Plan 2023-28, seeking comments from Cabinet as part of the statutory consultation process.
There was a statutory requirement within the Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act for Public Services Bodies to produce a Wellbeing plan setting objectives on how to improve the economic, social, environmental, and cultural well-being of its area by contributing to the achievement of the seven National Well-being goals
In July 2021 it was agreed for each of the five local PSBs, including OneNewport, to merge to form a Gwent PSB thus strengthening partnership arrangements across the region, therefore the wellbeing plan was based upon needs assessments from across Gwent, including the six local areas of Newport
As Chair of the OneNewport partnership, which became a local delivery group, the Council would be working closely with all partners to deliver the objectives of the final plan both on a regional and local footprint
The analysis of the needs assessments highlighted three key themes our residents wanted to prioritise grouped into the following consultation draft objectives:
· We want to create a fair and equitable Gwent for all
· We want to create a Gwent that has friendly, safe, and confident communities
· We want to create a Gwent where the natural environment is protected and enhanced to maximise the well-being benefits that nature provides to current and future generations
The Leader drew Cabinet colleagues’ attention to each of the draft objectives and associated steps.
The statutory 12-week consultation period for the draft plan closed on 31 December after which it would be amended, and a final version would be presented to Council for approval and adoption in February 2023.
All other partner organisations would also need to sign off the Plan and final sign-off from the Gwent PSB is planned for mid-April 2023, with publication in May 2023.
Alongside this the Council was working with OneNewport partners and other key stake holders to develop the local action plan to address the particular needs for communities across the city.
Comments of Cabinet Members:
· Councillor Batrouni has two questions prepared for the Leader in relation to what other areas could Gwent Councils look at to improve services. In light of this the Cabinet Member for Organisational Transformation asked did we share data, or detailed patterned analysis or horizon scanning with partners on this and were steps taken on how to achieve the objectives. An example was given regarding reducing child poverty, under performance management, it mentioned how were we making progress; however, this was blank, and the Cabinet Member felt that this was key point to be completed. In response, the Leader mentioned that it came up at the OneNewport Partnership meeting the day before and the priorities that warranted emphasis. The First draft objective, which related to creating a fair and equitable Gwent was a very ambitious commitment for all partners across the Gwent PSB and working with Professor Sir Michael Marmot to look at inequality across the whole life course, which was monitored and recorded to see how it could be brought forward fundamentally. It was important that this be delivered not only across Gwent but in Newport. The OneNewport Partnership was very strong and members were keen to ensure we delivered what was right for Newport. There were five intervention areas and we monitored performance against these. It was important that we recognised the value of this data and emphasised the role of other public sector partners within this partnership such as The Jigsaw Project working with Fire Service and Newport City Council. This helped us identify vulnerable homes across Newport and Monmouthshire, showing how well partnerships worked and how this could make a difference.
· Councillor Hughes acknowledged the work of the partnership organisation. The objectives should not only be for the wellbeing plan but for the society as a whole. It was ambitious and envisaged where communities would, could and should be. The objectives were admirable and could be achieved, making a fantastic improvement to the community. The Leader thanked The Cabinet Member for Social Services for his work with the regional partnership board.
That Cabinet:
a) Reviewed and accepted the consultation draft of the Gwent Well-Being Plan
b) Recommended the final version to Council on 28 February 2023 for approval and adoption
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