Agenda item

Corporate Plan Final Report 2022/2027


The Leader introduced the next report for Cabinet to agree the Council’s next five-year Corporate Plan and recommend it to Full Council for adoption.


Newport Council was required as part of the Well-being of Future Generations Act to carry out sustainable development to improve Wales’ economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being.  It also had a duty to fulfil its statutory and non-statutory roles to support citizens, businesses and stakeholders. 


This Plan prioritised the Council’s long-term strategic focus and meets the requirements of the Well-being Act.


The development of the Council’s new Corporate Plan (2022-27) was undertaken between senior officers and the Council’s Cabinet Members through a series of workshops.


This Plan considered the short and long term opportunities and risks to the Council, its residents, economy and environment. 


In the development of the Plan, residents were consulted the Well-being Objective themes which was positively received. 


Over the next five years Newport Council’s mission statement would be working to deliver an ‘Ambitious, Fairer, Greener Newport for everyone.’


To support this goal, there would be four Well-being Objectives supported by strategic priorities:


1.      Economy, Education and Skills - Newport is a thriving and growing city that offers excellent education and aspires to provide opportunities for all.

2.      Environment and Infrastructure - A city that seeks to protect and enhance our environment whilst reducing our carbon footprint and preparing for a sustainable and digital future.

3.      Quality Social Care and Community Services - Newport is a supportive city where communities and care are at the heart of what we do.

4.      An Inclusive, Fair and Sustainable Council - Newport City Council is an inclusive organisation that places social value, fairness and sustainability at its core.


As outlined at the start of this Cabinet meeting, the next couple of years was going to be very challenging as we balanced the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan whilst delivering strategic priorities. 


This would require the Council to take innovative and transformative decisions and it must be recognised that the achievement of these objectives could not be delivered by Newport City Council alone which was why we would ensure key principles were followed throughout the delivery of the Corporate Plan:


·        Fair and Inclusive – We will work to create fairer opportunities, reduce inequalities in our communities, and encourage a sense of belonging.

·        Empowering – We will work with and support communities, groups and partners to thrive.

·        A listening council – The views of communities, service users and partners will shape the services we deliver and the places you live in.

·        Citizen Focussed – Everyone who works and represents Newport City Council will put the citizen first, focusing on our core organisational values.



The Corporate Plan would also be underpinned by key programmes and projects that aimed to improve the economy and communities of Newport and the delivery of Council services.


Each one of the Council’s service areas would develop a service plan that would outline their own strategic priorities to support the delivery of Newport City Council’s Corporate Plan and continuous improvement of Council services.


To ensure the delivery of these plans, the Service Plans would be monitored throughout the five years and be reported to the Council’s Scrutiny Committees, Cabinet and Council.


Comments of Cabinet Members:


§  Councillor Davies said that the report was an important body of work and shared in the Leader’s thanks for the hard work of officers.  The Plan focused on work with partners in the public sector, which was the only way to assure support for residents of Newport in light of the economic climate. 


§  Councillor Clarke added we must be positive to move this forward and that it was key to achieve these goals and it was hoped the residents of Newport understood the importance of the principles of the report.


§  Councillor Batrouni emphasised the word ambitious in Corporate Plan’s title. This was an ambitious plan and the Council should be proud of this. The Council would support all the endeavours of its residents and the council. The Plan also showed that the council did re-evaluate its services.


§  The Leader added that three years ago, she committed to the Council and residents that she would listen.  With this in mind, the Leader was very proud to see before Cabinet a corporate plan that made a commitment to Newport City Council being a listening council.  The Leader also thanked the officers that had provided the report.



Cabinet agreed the Corporate Plan and recommended it to go to Full Council for


Supporting documents: