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Performance Scrutiny Committee - Partnerships

This page lists the meetings for Performance Scrutiny Committee - Partnerships.


Information about Performance Scrutiny Committee - Partnerships

This Committee is recorded but not broadcast. Members of the public are welcome to attend in person and room locations can be found in each meeting page and on agendas.
All Committee recordings will be uploaded as soon as possible and can be found on this link with recordings prior to May 2024 found here.

Performance Scrutiny Committee - Partnerships

Holding the Public Services Board to account for their performance.

          As the designated Scrutiny Committee for the PSB:

a)    review or scrutinise the decisions made or actions taken by the Board;

b)    review or scrutinise the Board’s governance arrangements;

c)    make reports or recommendations to the Board regarding its functions or governance arrangements;

d)    consider matters relating to the Board as the Welsh Ministers may refer to it and report to the Welsh Ministers accordingly;

e)    carry out other functions in relation to the Board that are imposed on it by the Act.


          Maintain a proactive and positive relationship with the PSB;

          Monitor the performance of the PSB against partnership plans and priorities as part of the performance cycle;

          To ensure democratic accountability and scrutinise the work of the Board;

          Use existing legislative powers as necessary to put in place joint arrangements, including ‘co-opting’ persons who are not members of the authority to sit on the committee as required.


Key considerations:

            Performance of the PSB against agreed objectives;

            Effectiveness of governance arrangements, including budget management, consultation arrangements, procurement procedures, risk management, performance management and accountability arrangements.

            Scrutinising the contribution of the Council to the partnership;

            Evaluating the overall effectiveness of the partnership:

            Ensuing public engagement and citizen focused partnerships and strategies.

            Undertake formal consultation on key documents as required.

Monitor the implementation of any recommendations made to the PSB in relation to the performance of the service area.

Forward any recommendations made to the PSB to the Minister / Future Generations Commissioner

Holding partnerships to account for their performance.

 To include - EAS, Newport Live, Norse, SRS andJoint Commissioning arrangements

            Performance of the partners against agreed objectives;

            Effectiveness of governance structures;

            Undertake formal consultation on key documents as required.

Scrutiny of community safety issues and associated partnerships: Designated Committee for Crime and Disorder

            To consider Councillor Calls for Action (CCfA) that arise through the council’s agreed CCfA process;

            To consider actions undertaken by the responsible authorities on the CSP.

Monitor the implementation of any recommendations made to the any of the Partnerships.

To advise the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee of its work programme and its on-going implementation


For Simultaneous Translation in Welsh please contact in advance of the meeting.


Dilynwch y ddolen isod i weld y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg.

Manylion y Pwyllgor - Pwyllgor Craffu ar BerfformiadPartneriaethau