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Performance Scrutiny Committee - People

This page lists the meetings for Performance Scrutiny Committee - People.


Information about Performance Scrutiny Committee - People

This Committee is recorded but not broadcast. Members of the public are welcome to attend in person and room locations can be found in each meeting page and on agendas.
All Committee recordings will be uploaded as soon as possible and can be found on this link with recordings prior to May 2024 found here.

Performance Scrutiny Committee  - People

Holding the Executive to Account for its performance within the People Directorate.

Three broad areas: Performance , Budget and Risk


Monitoring of performance, focusing on:

            Achievement of outcomes and actions within service plans;

            Scrutinising progress in improvements to areas of poor performance;

            Assessing the extent to which performance objectives are contributing to the overall objectives and priorities of the Council.

            Assessing the extent to which performance is in keeping with the performance management strategy;


Budget Monitoring

            Scrutinising variances in budget;

            Assessing the extent to which performance is being achieved within budget;

            Reviewing the outcomes and the delivery of agreed savings plans;


Budget Proposals

            Scrutinising of Service specific proposals a part of the budget consultation process;

            Assessing the anticipated impact of the budget proposals on services, performance, service users, partnerships and staffing levels;

            Considering the contribution of the budget proposals to the achievement of corporate priorities and objectives;

            Consideration the budget proposals within the context of the wellbeing of future generations, fairness and equalities impact, sustainability, partnership arrangements and the efficiency agenda;

            Consideration of the extent to which savings form part of a coherent strategy supported by appropriate evidence for decision making.



            Monitoring areas of high risk and assessing the effectiveness of actions to mitigate these risks.


To advise the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee of its work programme and its on going implementation.

To undertake detailed examination or review of service area performance where necessary.

Monitor the implementation of any recommendations made to the Cabinet in relation to the performance of the service area.


For Simultaneous Translation in Welsh please contact in advance of the meeting.


Dilynwch y ddolen isod i weld y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg.

Manylion y Pwyllgor - Pwyllgor Craffu ar BerfformiadPobl