
2024/46: Traffic Enforcement Cameras, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Monday, 23rd December, 2024

Contact: Anne Jenkins  Governance Team Leader

No. Item


Question to the Cabinet Member for Assets and Infrastructure : 2024/46 - Traffic Enforcement Cameras





Councillor Fouweather asked:


How much will it cost to install new traffic enforcement cameras across the city and have any new sites for cameras been identified.


Councillor R Howells responded:


Newport has successfully bid for a Welsh Government Road Safety grant to upgrade the enforcement cameras at all 4 existing speed enforcement sites across the city. The grant included both camera upgrades and replacement of the housing infrastructure costing £315k.


Additionally, working with our partners in Gwent Police and Go Safe, a bid for speed and red-light running enforcement cameras to be installed at the Wharf Road/ Chepstow Road signal-controlled junction, was also successful. This bid was supported due to the high levels of contraventions and traffic incidents recorded. The grant to provide cameras and housings at this location was £96.5k.


You will be aware that these cameras relate to endorse-able moving traffic offences enforceable only by Gwent Police and Go Safe.