
2024/42: Old Green Roundabout, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Monday, 23rd December, 2024

Contact: Anne Jenkins  Governance Team Leader

No. Item


Question to the Cabinet Member for Assets and Infrastructure : 2024/42 - Old Green Roundabout


Councillor Fouweather asked:


Can the cabinet member tell me what is the councils preferred plan for the old green roundabout?


How much to date has been spent on this proposal?


How many residents took part in the consultation?


Councillor R Howells responded:


Three options were produced for public consultation and the preferred option resulting from the public consultation was the ‘balance of benefits’ option, and that is now being progressed as I said at the recent Council meeting.


The work to date on Old Green, including consultation has been undertaken by the TfW Burns Delivery Unit, which is directly funded by Welsh Government. We do not hold details of spend to date.


1,940 respondents provided postcodes within the Newport Boundary.


I understand the results of the public consultation will be published online on the Transport for Wales website shortly.