Contact: Anne Jenkins, Governance Team Leader
No. | Item | |
Question to the Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Biodiversity : 2024/34 - Fly Tipping Reduction Measures Minutes:
Councillor Forsey responded:
Over the past year, the Council issued 39 fixed penalty notices for littering and 38 for fly-tipping.
Residents are encouraged to report fly-tipping via the Council website. The NCC website has been updated to clarify what constitutes fly-tipping, how officers handle reports, and the prosecution process. NCC is committed to addressing waste offences and plans to increase communication about our efforts through social media and regular publications.
Proactive measures include monitoring areas especially around hot spot areas, using anti-fly-tipping signage, and employing CCTV where able to.
However, there remains challenges with a very high standard of evidence needed for prosecution and the low level of fines issued by the courts.