
2024/11: Bus and Cyle Lanes, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Friday, 26th April, 2024

No. Item


Question to the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Assets : 2024/11 -Bus and Cycle Lanes


Councillor Fouweather asked:


Can the cabinet member provide the following information:


1      How much money has been paid to Sustrans since 2020 to provide bus lanes and cycle lanes?


2      How many miles of cycle lanes have been made available/ created since 2020 and how do the council monitor their use to ensure that value for money has been provided? 



Councillor Lacey responded:


1.   Nil.


2.   Since 2020 the council have delivered 5.3 miles of new and 3.9 miles of upgraded cycle lanes. The use of cycle lanes is subject to a monitoring programme that includes 14 fixed counting devices, which identifies usage trends.