
2024/09: Supplementary for Former Underwood Leisure Centre, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Friday, 26th April, 2024

No. Item


Question to the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Regeneration and Housing 2024/09 - Supplementary Question Underwood Leisure Centre


Councillor Mogford asked:


Please find my follow-on QAAT to Cllr Clarke re. former Leisure Centre in Underwood here-below,


Further to the Cabinets previous response to my earlier QAAT re. the former Underwood Leisure Centre, would the Cabinet give an update on the action he took (in BOLD below). Residents remain concerned about this deteriorating eyesore.


“Previous QAAT: Jan 2024. Councillor James responded: The Council does not own this property and does not condone any illegal use of the property. There have been a number of planning applications submitted by the landowner, the latest of which was refused. Planning enforcement and Building Control have powers to take action where the appearance of land meets the tests under Section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act, or where the structure is considered dangerous under the Building Act 1974. As such, I have asked Officers to visit the site and explore if any action should be taken under these regulations.”



Councillor Clarke responded:


I can confirm that the site was visited by officers from the Planning and Building Control Teams and they confirmed that the site was secure and not open to trespass.  Neither was there any tipping or overgrown vegetation on the site.  I was advised that the appearance of the site did not warrant action under Section 215 of the Planning Act and was not considered a dangerous structure in accordance with the Building Act.  I was satisfied with the advice provided at that time by qualified officers. I can also confirm that no further complaints have been received in respect of the appearance of the site.