
2023/35: My Newport App, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Friday, 5th January, 2024

No. Item


Question to the Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Biodiversity : 2023/35 - My Newport App


Councillor Mogford asked:


Is the Cabinet member aware that the top three issues reported to the council via the My Newport App in the Bishton & Langstone Ward are:


1)     Missed collections

2)     Highway defects

3)     Flytipping


Of these,missed collections is by far the biggest reported issue.


Assuming this data is reflected across the other wards in the city, which might  indeed validate that  these  issues  are out of control in Newport then,

-         What action is the Cabinet member taking to ensure that each of above items are being adequately addressed.

-         What Objective, Targets/Key performance indicators  are in place against which success or failure can be demonstrated.



Councillor Forsey responded:


Service performance indicators are monitored as part of the service plan and reported to scrutiny every six months.  This information is therefore already in the public domain.


However, it is important to note that for universal, high volume services, the number of issues reported will always be some of the highest even if they are high performing. This is as a result of the much larger number of service events.


An effective example of this is waste collection, where the council carried out over 10 million waste and recycling collections last year, with a success rate of over 99.9%. 


With regards to fly tipping Newport has the second highest successful prosecution rate in Wales