
2023/28: Friars Walk, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Thursday, 30th November, 2023

No. Item


Question to the Leader : 2023/27 - Friars Walk


Councillor Evans asked:


I understand that Friars Walk has new owners and the Council have refused to provide details about them. Can you please tell me why there appears to be so much secrecy about it? Do you think Council taxpayers deserve openness and transparency in this matter, and will you now provide details of the owners?



Councillor Mudd responded:


There is no secrecy in relation to the ownership of Friars Walk, these details are in the public domain and can be obtained from the Land Registry.  In addition, a number of press releases have been published in relation to this issue, the latest having been released on 22 September 2023. 


There has been no change in the ownership of Friars Walk since 2019 and the position remains as follows:


The Freehold is owned by Newport City Council

The Headlease is owned by Friars Walk LH Limited

The Sub-lease is held jointly by ANW TDS (Nominee 1) Limited and ANW TDS (Nominee 2) Limited and has been since it was assigned in April 2019.