
2023/26: Speed Reduction/Lighting, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Thursday, 30th November, 2023

No. Item


Question to the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Assets : 2023/26 - Speeding/Lighting


Councillor Fouweather asked:


The Welsh Assembly have taken great delight in restricting the rights of the motorists in order to promote their active travel agenda.


With this in mind can you tell me how switching off streetlights at night enhance the experience of walking. Wheeling and cycling as clearly this makes our streets less safe to do these things.



Councillor Lacey responded:


The street lighting part night scheme was considered as part of the Council’s budget setting process for the financial year 23/24 and was consulted on through a range of stakeholder groups and formats which included discussion with Gwent Police. The part night scheme allows for the highway to be in lighting when it is most used, between the hours of 6am and 12 midnight, with lighting only being off when the use is lower. Some areas of the network will also remain in lighting for highway safety reasons.


The scheme as implemented will achieve a reduction in energy consumption and an associated reduction in carbon emissions.