
2023/18: Three Weekly Collections, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Thursday, 14th September, 2023

No. Item


Question to the Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Biodiversity : 2023/18 - Three Weekly Collection


Councillor Kellaway asked:


Can you ask the cabinet member (recycling issue etc) the following anytime question from a resident.


“I live on the Glan Llyn Estate, I find it unacceptable that you are doing fortnightly collections and expecting a family of 3 to manage when you do not recycle or allow for period products as well as certain items such as crisp wrappers, plastic wrappers (such as bread wrappers), etc. If you would like me to recycle more, the council and suppliers of everyday products need to do better to allow for this to happen. Furthermore, on top of this, I find myself doing fortnightly tip runs to get rid of extra cardboard and waste because of such items and the response of potential fines.

Also, to note, is the plastic label now recyclable that is left on overfull bags, or is the council expecting me to put this in my black waste bag and add to the problem?“


What is the cabinet members opinion on the above situation and how is the cabinet member addressing the residents’ concerns.


Councillor Forsey responded:


Three weekly collections of non-recyclable waste have become frequent across the UK, with more than 1 million homes in the UK (and over 11,000 homes in Newport) already on less frequent collections. This has resulted in very positive results across the country, with significant increases in recycling.


In Newport, data shows that almost 40% of what residents currently put in their non-recyclable waste bin can still be recycled if collected separately using their weekly kerbside collection service. This service will remain weekly, and it has been improved to allow for more space for residents to recycle some elements such as cardboard.  Homes with 5 or more people can also apply for larger bins. Residents are only asked to segregate their waste and place it in the right container, with the Council making resources and assistance available for anyone who needs help with the changes.


Our team of engagement officers is available to meet with this resident and provide specific advice and assistance; the form to request help can be found on the council’s website. We also have a very comprehensive FAQ document available that provides answers to the most common questions and addresses matters such as recycling of wrapping plastic.


I would encourage this resident to get in touch for further support if required.