
2021/14: Booking System at the Waste Disposal Centre, Formal Council Questions and Responses - Thursday, 29th July, 2021

No. Item


Question to the Cabinet Member for City Services (Deputy Leader): 2021/14- Booking System at the Waste Disposal Centre


Councillor Fouweather asked:


I am receiving complaints from residents about the booking system at the tip. Residents now feel that there is no longer a need for this process to continue and are asking for the previous system to be returned to. I agree with the residents that it would be far better now if people could once again dispose of their rubbish without having to make an appointment.


Would the cabinet member now agree to returning to the previous system?


Councillor Jeavons responded:


There are no plans to revert to the previous system used at the HWRC,

The booking system which has been in place over a year has;

-        eradicated any queuing on the SDR 

-        improved controls in preventing the tipping of non-residential waste,

-        increased the recycling rate from 65% in 19/20 to over 90% in 20/21


The system initially implemented as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic was introduced at pace, but has since been further improved enabling over 130,000 successful visits by Newport residents.


This improved performance has resulted in the facility recently receiving an award for being the best HWRC site in the UK.